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hello, anyone speaks Spanish

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alguien habla español ???

soy dbyarts , diseñador gráfico, el responsable de la creación oficial del modelo de marka ragnos con la armadura dorada.

estoy aquí por que necesito ayuda de un mapper que sepa crear terrenos con easygen.
y también busco algún programador que me ayude con el mod que estoy creando.

ruego hablar en español por que my ingles is very bad.


I don't speak Spanish, but I believe he's saying he's a graphics designer who made some Marka Ragnos model and is now looking for a mapper capable of creating easygen terrains and a programmer for a mod he wants to do.


I suggest you learn English, automatic translators are not very good.


(Edit: No, I did not use an automatic translator, contrary to what Circa implies below. I'll keep this an edit in the interest of not derailing the thread)

dbyarts and Circa like this

im looking for a programmer who wants to help me with my mod.

schedule my designs.


and... also someone who can design 3d or easygen if posible

i leave my link project.





(google traslator :D)




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