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[Request] JA Unlimited for SP

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You guys know this handy little thing?: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/JA_Unlimited;87847 Lets you stuff as many models, npcs, sabers, vehicles, etc. without fear of repercussion (besides eventually stability)? This allowed me to stuff thing after thing after thing into my base folder at the cost of one teensy little thing; SP was completely unplayable. Previously, the reason there wasn't an equivalent was because of the lack of a SP SDK, but now that the whole damn source code's out there, it seems like it should be perfectly possible to do something like this. Of course, while I've taken programming classes, they were entry-level high school classes and I am thus absolutely nowhere near confident enough in my abilities to attempt this myself. This seems like a simple enough task, but I could be wrong on that. Anyone who wishes to attempt this will have my eternal gratitude and may request one treasure from my royal vault.

Circa and Asgarath83 like this
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I just tried it, loading the OpenJK mod folder to make sure, and while it launched, several npcs failed to spawn in the first cutscene, hanging on the very first shot. Skipping that went into the first level, but Rosh, again, failed to spawn. I'm not certain what caused this, but at some point I'll try launching in a cleaned up folder.


In any case, OpenJK seems to have the base species limit of 32, so the base species were inaccessible in addition to some early in the load order.

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