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Mudbox Project : Boga/Varactyl

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As I jsut started learning Mudbox I'd like to share the progress of my first sculpt with you guys

I started to sculpt Boga , the Varactyl (giant utapauan Lizard) ridden by Obi Wan in EP3


I created a simple base mesh in 3ds max and started Sculpting , here's what I have so far



I'll have to reduce the Definition of the Muscle in her arms a "little" , I sculpted deifned muscleo n her arms and tried to bulk that up rather than bulk first and then define like im doing at the Legs now

Jeff, CrimsonStrife, DT. and 2 others like this
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What. the. actual. fuck.


The thought to message him about it, was in fact just crossing my mind. SCARY.


But we could use a modeler devoted to aliens and creatures....O.o


Like I've said before, I'm predictable.

Haha! :D


That's great. I figured you would. If you hadn't at least thought about it, I would be extremely surprised. This is some quality work and you'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to at least ask. And you are no fool. :P

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Haha! :D


That's great. I figured you would. If you hadn't at least thought about it, I would be extremely surprised. This is some quality work and you'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to at least ask. And you are no fool. :P

If I keep this up, we are going to end up with one of those "hide yo kids" memes about me <.<

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What's your rig like to be able to handle that much quality? I always struggle to have a full size model when sculpting in any program. :S



I can handle about 2 million polies before it starts to lag out last time i checked, i have a 3.0 Ghz quad core and 6Gig of RAM, 2Gig on graphics card.

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What's your rig like to be able to handle that much quality? I always struggle to have a full size model when sculpting in any program. :S

Pretty crappy Actually :

AMD Athlon II X2 245 2.9 GHz (old dualcore Cpu)

4 GB Ram (32 bit win 7)

Geforce GTX 460 GPU (1 GB)


I use gamebooster to boost my mudbox , anyway that mesh is at 1,77 million polys

and I think if I raise the subdiv level higher my mudbox will just freeze / crash


Edit : sub-d lvl 7 can still be calculated without freezing mudbox , turning aorund the sculpt get's laggy though but that's okay for a 7 Million poly Mesh I guess

this was unboosted btw I highly doubt that my system can take another level of subdivision without freezing

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Nice, we have around about the same setup though I run core i3 first gen. :P


Oh incase I fee l like bothering with the retopo , rigging and animation of her I might put her in JA


Make it eat Rosh in the JKA Gold Pack. ;)

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