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I'm working on my mod project, and I need to do a couple of cutscenes. Intro, etc. Basically, I want to move a ship into a certain position, then I need to cut to two characters, one jumps towards the other and the other steps back. (Anyway, that's details) Anyway, I do not know how to do cutscenes.I searched google but found nothing but dead links. I also searched the tutorials here and...nothing? There are no cutscene tutorials. I'd very much appreciate if someone would explain it to me, or create a tutorial and link it to me.

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Thanks anyway. I need all the help I can get...


I'm using internetarchive.org to access some of the deadlinks from yahoo geocities.


It kinda works,but some images are dead, and the page is kinda destroyed because it's internetarchive...It's hard to manage around and follow, so I still need help.


Talks about camera angles but it doesn't teach you how to move characters around and make them play animations :/

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Thanks anyway. I need all the help I can get...


I'm using internetarchive.org to access some of the deadlinks from yahoo geocities.


It kinda works,but some images are dead, and the page is kinda destroyed because it's internetarchive...It's hard to manage around and follow, so I still need help.


Talks about camera angles but it doesn't teach you how to move characters around and make them play animations :/



Here's how i'm guessing it happens but i may be wrong..


You pre-make your cutscene using, i dunno a recorder or whatever, as in you do the walking around or whatever you want to happen in your scene, or you just make a movie let's say.  The movie format for the Q3 Engine is .ROQ so you'd then convert your movie to .ROQ.


In the map i'm guessing that you have something that triggers that movie to play so when the player walks into that trigger the movie then plays.


This may shed a little more light on it, it's the same engine made by ID so it should be almost exactly the same:



A good idea may be to open up a SP map in Radiant and look at where the trigger(s) are/is, because you'll notice in the .PK3 there's a folder called 'videos' so the triggers must obviously point to the corresponding video and such so check it out :)

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No no no. That's not how it works. They use navpoints and stuff in maps to move characters, and use BehavEd scripts to move characters, do animations, etc. I just don't know how to script in BehavEd. You could record it, but you have less control at certain points, and cutscenes have more quality.

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The NPCs need to have the CINEMATIC spawnflag set so the AI doesn't try to do anything except what you tell it to. You give them names using npc_targetname and affect them in your script using the affect command. You tell them which waypoint_navgoal to navigate to using the ordinary waypoint network by specifying its targetname in a set(SET_NAVGOAL, targetname_here) and use set(SET_ANIM_BOTH, ...) and set(SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH, ...) to make them play specific animations. You can use tasks with dowait() for a script to wait for the NPC to walk somewhere and use signal() and waitsignal() to synchronize multiple NPCs. You can also create level-specific custom animations by putting them in models/players/humanoid_<levelname>/humanoid_<levelname>.gla - use BOTH_CINEMATIC_X, which are meant for just this.


The JKA SDK contains all the SP scripts, so you could take a look at those. There are 3 SP levels or so included in the Radiant Jedi Academy files, which may also help shed light on it.

Scorpion and Tempust85 like this
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Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much @mrwonko! :)


Halp, I can't open .icarus in BehavEd, or even write in it. It refuses to open it. It doesn't search for .icarus, it searches for Icarus Scripts. and it can't detect the stuff in JAscripts.zip (academy1, where luke talks, etc.) Just can't open it. And I can't write my own.

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Alright, thanks. I could open them on Notepad ++ though. Copied it out into another intro.icarus (i was editing academy1 intro) and... edited the subtitles alot. xD Still I have no clue as to how to code in behavEd i just can't figure it out. I click around the buttons but nothing happens :([Edit:Configed my BehavEd, can mess around with it, but I'm still confused as to what to do :(.] And even with mr.wonko's great instructions i'm still kinda confused. You gave me a nice starting point, but a bit loose-ended. Mind including an example? No offense or anything, don't mean to sound rude, just asking for help :)


When I add a set type or open expr (whatever that means) it keeps saying INCLUDE ERROR which is really bothering me. In the files i'm opening, for example, when they talk, it says "sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kyle/01kyk009.mp3" );". Mine says "sound (INCLUDE_ERROR, "sound/chars/kyle/taunt1.mp3");"

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...What SourceForBehavEd directory :o?  There is no such directory.


After a bit of research turns out released the SDK in a hurry and didn't include it. Anyone has it :(?


Downloaded the JKSDK fixed version from JKHub and got the files from there. People must've thought it was funny to release Radiant with the tools and not include gamesource and sourceforbehaved. Haha.


Scripted. No errors. Trigger triggers target_scriptrunner and...no cinematic runs. nothing happens. I just spawn and nothing happens.

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