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MAX_TW_VERTS (12) exceeded

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Got this error when compiling. I saw a few threads via Google that had people saying they fixed it by making sure all their tiny brushes were detail brushes... that's definitely NOT an issue with my map, so I don't know why I'm getting this error. Thoughts?

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I'm not entirely sure I remember this right, it may be caused by having a many-sided brush (or more specifically a brush-side with too many vertices) - anyway, as is always the case with these problems, the easiest thing would be for you to supply the map so we can take a look.

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I'm not entirely sure I remember this right, it may be caused by having a many-sided brush (or more specifically a brush-side with too many vertices) - anyway, as is always the case with these problems, the easiest thing would be for you to supply the map so we can take a look.


Always the first person to help with my map problems, heh.


Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?np799grb7877lp7

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Well, I get mail everytime somebody posts. ;)


I can compile that map without a problem... However there are a couple of problems with the map. First of all, and this is unrelated to your problem, more of the brushes should be detail, like the pillars and basically everything but the floor and the walls. (You can hide detail brushes and patches and entities with ctrl+d / ctrl+p / alt+2 respectively so you only see the structural brushes. Also, and this might just be the cause of your problem, why would you do a round pillar using a brush? That's exactly what curves are for. Curve -> Cylinder gives you a nice cylinder, and Curve -> End Cap gives you nice end caps for your cylinder. Don't use a 20-sided brush. In fact there's hardly ever a need for a brush with more than 4 sides.

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Well, I get mail everytime somebody posts. ;)


I can compile that map without a problem... However there are a couple of problems with the map. First of all, and this is unrelated to your problem, more of the brushes should be detail, like the pillars and basically everything but the floor and the walls. (You can hide detail brushes and patches and entities with ctrl+d / ctrl+p / alt+2 respectively so you only see the structural brushes. Also, and this might just be the cause of your problem, why would you do a round pillar using a brush? That's exactly what curves are for. Curve -> Cylinder gives you a nice cylinder, and Curve -> End Cap gives you nice end caps for your cylinder. Don't use a 20-sided brush. In fact there's hardly ever a need for a brush with more than 4 sides.


Yeah those will be detail I just hadn't gotten around to it. How are you compiling it? I can get it to compile in BSP -meta but I can't compile in anything else that I tested (the last final option and the last test option both gave me the same error). Thanks, I'll use a curve... for some reason I thought I had done that originally, thanks for pointing that out.

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  • 4 months later...

It can be hard to find the brush.  You can go through deleting sections of that map until the problem is fixed.  You can see the error during the compile so no need to try to open the map in game.  Delete stuff and recompile until it goes away.  Click undo and delete a smaller area in that area you deleted and repeat until you find the brush causing the problem.  That process usually works for me.  Isolate areas for the compile if possible to speed things up.  Make a test map to do this so you can go back to the original and delete the brush causing the problem.

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