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curve out of light processing

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I think maybe you posted this in the wrong section. Unless it somehow pertains to my map because I have no idea what you're referring to.

But the answer to your question is a bit over my head sorry man


Two options:

1. Use a func_group for the bits of water which you don't want light, and in the func_group, add these keywords:


_cs: 3

_rs: 3


The water should no longer cast or receive shadows.


2. Create a new shader for the water using all the standard properties and add the following keywords:



AradorasXeon likes this

Damn. Lol.

Some of you guys should keep tally on how many people you've helped...





 I am going to try and get this thread moved now that it has ran it's course.


Two options:

1. Use a func_group for the bits of water which you don't want light, and in the func_group, add these keywords:


_cs: 3

_rs: 3


The water should no longer cast or receive shadows.


2. Create a new shader for the water using all the standard properties and add the following keywords:



Uhm tahnk you. I still have problem, but probably my fault, thought it was light process, but it looks like a vis process roblem. Normaly I'd just make it detail, but I can't do that with curves :/


No, patches cannot be made detail brushes. As the name says, a detail brush is a *brush*. However patches don't create splits anyway. Adding the detail keyword to the shader doesn't make a surface a detail brush either - it simply adds detailed shading (you see more detail the closer you are to the surface).


Okay I made two sreenshots about the problem:



This is with bps and vis process.




This is with -light process, I may lighten it up later, but I think you see my point and the problem.


Its q3map_nolightmap in the very first stage of your shader (not just nolightmap)


Posting the shader would be hepful!


It's the default:



I am not good with making textures, that's why I use default ones. (and I have no idea how to do them)

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