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SP likes to play "resetyah" for most of my cvars whenever I start a new game


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So, I'm trying to add more options for starting a new SP game. Some of the options, namely the ones the game changes by default, based on which difficulty you select (amount of health/shields player gets, force hints), these stay once I get ingame without being reset.


But other cvars always get reset to their default value no matter what they were in the menu beforehand. Say cvars like g_sabermovespeed, g_sabermorerealistic, helpusobi (which I need not for cheats but for most of my scripts to work).


I'm guessing this is something purely coded, that I'll have to dodge with scripting, still a pain however (my mod is turning into one big script!).

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Hmmm...let me get this straight. All of the cvars from one session are not being loaded when the session is loaded? This is the same problem Me and @ faced when working on our Harry Potter SP mod. As you can imagine, cvars are super important in an RP mod. Every item you have is controlled by cvars, every diologe you have will be controlled by cvars. If these cvars didn't load with the save game, tons of information would be lost. Unfortunatly, what we have to do is limit the save slots. Like making 5 save lots in a menu that save the game, but also write a config file. So, in the load menu, the menu loads the cfg and the save game. Meaning we have to use SETA for everything. I'm not happy. Seta is surprisingly limited, for example, this is not possible:


seta bob "seta bobby vstr frank"


while this is:


seta bob "seta bobby frank"


Don't ask me why it doesn't work, but it's silly. When you make a mod of the scale you are planning, you are constantly working around dumb problems and hope no one notices.

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Well, I'm specifically talking about starting a brand new SP game from the main menu, like pressing "New", then you select your difficulty (Jedi, Jedi Knight etc.), then jumping ingame. This might be a problem across the board actually with certain cvars, however I haven't particularly checked to see.


It may very well be that I can say "g_sabermovespeed 1.2" in the menu then when I load savegame X it goes to whatever value, but I notice some values carry over to the save game, but I forget which specifically. In the case of starting a new game, certain cvars like cg_crosshairforcehints DO carry over for sure, but not others.

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ehh, I tried both sets and seta, no effect. Seems cvars that normally you never change ingame through menus, just will end up getting reset. Thing is I can tie the menu buttons to store info in some vstr command that'll play when the game starts, which will set everything appropriately, but that annoys me because it's kinda roundabout.

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