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Star Wars: Outlaws - Open-world game by Ubisoft

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This game will be an open-world game, and it is set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It will also feature new characters, including a female protagonist named Kay Vess.

Personally, I have developed a strong dislike towards Ubisoft, because it became the LJN of modern game companies for me (if you know the Angry Video Game Nerd, you'll probably know what I mean). This started with their delay of Rayman Legends, initially planned to be a Wii U exclusive game, just to make it a multi-platform game instead. Then came the disastrous release of Watch_Dogs, a game that was not only riddled with bugs, but also couldn't live up to it's promised visual style. And there was so much going on that made me avoid any game from the studio entirely. Apart from a classic I got at a discount, I haven't touched anything from Ubisoft ever since.

But this might change with this game. It's not just that it's a Star Wars game, but also because I have to face the fact that I can't hate Ubisoft forever. This game might probably the one that will redeem the studio for me. In fact, I hope it will.

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The gameplay looks extremely good. Being able to go from surface to space is something everyone has wanted in a Star Wars game since gaming was a thing. So cool.

Much more excited for this game now after seeing that gameplay.

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16 hours ago, Circa said:

The gameplay looks extremely good. Being able to go from surface to space is something everyone has wanted in a Star Wars game since gaming was a thing. So cool.

Much more excited for this game now after seeing that gameplay.

I was surprised how smooth the transition from planet to surface was. This is exactly what I imagined when the space battles for the original 'Star Wars Battlefront II' were announced. And I'm also impressed by the hyperspace jump. In the 'Star Wars Jedi' games, you jump into hyperspace, and you won't get out until you trigger a (short) cutscene. But in Outlaws, they have masked the transition so well that it's flawless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the way you can actually choose various kinds of response during a dialog cutscene. Also hiding from your enemies is a nice addition – haven't seen that in Star Wars for quite a while. Well, in the latest Battlefront II SP campaign this was an option, but not the primary one.

Circa and Lancelot like this
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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sound intriguing, doesn't it? I'm with you on hoping it might be a turning point for Ubisoft. Maybe it'll show they've learned from past missteps and are ready to deliver something truly stellar. Plus, who can resist a new Star Wars adventure, right? Personally, I'm cautiously optimistic. I mean, I'm all for giving second chances, and if this game delivers on its promises, it could be a real game-changer. And hey, if it turns out to be as awesome as we're hoping, maybe it'll even inspire other studios to step up their game. Have you checked out site with articles on earning and creative development? They've got some cool insights on gaming and even tips on games to win money on cash app. Might be worth a look!

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