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Get Player to Show Up in Custom Cutscenes

Go to solution Solved by EvanStreblow,

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I realize this is probably an incredibly basic question, but how do you get the player to show up in a cutscene you have created? I know that cutscenes automatically turn the player invisible, so how do you get a player NPC in the cutscene that you can work with? Does anyone know the answer? (Or can link me to a tutorial that explains it?) Thanks!

50 minutes ago, Circa said:

I believe that's what the NPC called player is for.

I was thinking it'd be that, but it doesn't seem to be on my NPC list in Radiant when I try to create a new NPC... Do you know why that'd be? (Or is there some way to take a Jedi NPC and make it function like a player NPC instead?)

  • Solution
10 hours ago, mrwonko said:

npc_player only exists in Jedi Academy SP mode. If you're creating a JK2 map, use npc_kyle instead.


Huh. That makes sense. I am making a mod for Jedi Academy, and in my project settings it says Jedi Knight Jedi Academy is the mod I have selected and Single Player mapping mode is the map mode I have selected... Could I need to update GTKRadiant or something?



I could not tell you why this happened, but I reverted to a backup of my .map file and restarted GTKRadiant, and the NPC_Player preset appeared in the list. I have no idea how that works. In a pinch, I also figured out that you can just use the NPC_spawner preset and change the classname key value to "NPC_Player" and check the cinematic box. Super weird. Thanks for all the help everyone.

Ramikad likes this

I think you have to restart radiant after switching between Single Player Mapping Mode and Multi Player Mapping Mode, maybe that's why it didn't work at first...

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