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Dark Dimension Darth Vader Mod?

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Hey! For those of you into modeling and creating skins for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, I'd absolutely love a Dark Dimension Vader. It's such a unique concept, and if I had the talent, I would make it myself.



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I know he doesn't look very good, there's a big room for improvement and I wish to learn how to make shaders which would definitely make the final result better.

I'll try to work on him more, but I can't guarantee you that I ever do...

So anyway, here you go : https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4whzb34ebpqo3b/Dark Dimension Vader.pk3?dl=0

I guess you made your account just for this request and after all this time I hope atleast this can satisfy you a little.

For his black swords I recommend downloading Daedra's "The Old Republic Saber Colors FINAL".

Oh and It's not about talent but dedication, if you're willing to spend few days learning the basics ( tutorials posted here are very helpful ) you can start making your own models. Although smaller with every year, if you encounter any problems, this community will be glad to help you out. 


Lancelot likes this

Alright, that's the final version. I've fixed some texture issues, worked some more on his head and patched the holes I left in the last version. Also I tried to shape his legs more so they don't look like boots, with rather poor result to be fair 😆. But that's the best I can do right now https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfwc877oxgh9yxm/Dark Dimension Vader v3.pk3?dl=0

If anyone wants to expand on this model, please do so. I'm only humbly asking you to include me in the credits.

bigphil2695 likes this

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