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Jk2 saber users npc ??

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Is it possible to g2animent npc that would be able to use lightsaber not only hold a hilt? And if so would it be hard to make it works on phatmod ??

  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/5/2019 at 4:35 AM, Tamlin said:

Is it possible to g2animent npc that would be able to use lightsaber not only hold a hilt? And if so would it be hard to make it works on phatmod ??

Ehm, i guess i have not understood the question O.O

1 what you mean for g2animent

2 a lightsaber that not only hold an hilt? what?

3 what is phatmod?

please explain better and provide all full details explanation of your trouble. :)

7 hours ago, Asgarath83 said:

Ehm, i guess i have not understood the question O.O

1 what you mean for g2animent

2 a lightsaber that not only hold an hilt? what?

3 what is phatmod?

please explain better and provide all full details explanation of your trouble. ?

Ok ?
First thing first. It's "Jedi Knight: outcast 2" I'm talking about. 

ad 1. In academy mod ( https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Mods/Multiplayer/26155/ ) there is command that allow you to spawn NPC on a server (you need devmapall) /g2animent to spawn a NPC (description in readme file in mode pack).

ad 2. "npc that would be able to use lightsaber not only hold a hilt" by that I mean that you can spawn NPC with lightsaber but the NPC is just hold the hilt and do nothing (when you give him a weapon he can walk/run, shoot)

ad 3. PhatMOD (1.0) ( https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Mods/Multiplayer/5220/ ) that mod allow you to scale models  (for example Yoda can be small ? and few others nice feature.

And now ? I was wondering if it's possible to spawn an NPC (using g2animent command) that would be able to fight with lightsaber? On Academy and PhatMOD ? 

9 hours ago, Tamlin said:

Ok ?
First thing first. It's "Jedi Knight: outcast 2" I'm talking about. 

ad 1. In academy mod ( https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Mods/Multiplayer/26155/ ) there is command that allow you to spawn NPC on a server (you need devmapall) /g2animent to spawn a NPC (description in readme file in mode pack).

ad 2. "npc that would be able to use lightsaber not only hold a hilt" by that I mean that you can spawn NPC with lightsaber but the NPC is just hold the hilt and do nothing (when you give him a weapon he can walk/run, shoot)

ad 3. PhatMOD (1.0) ( https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Mods/Multiplayer/5220/ ) that mod allow you to scale models  (for example Yoda can be small ? and few others nice feature.

And now ? I was wondering if it's possible to spawn an NPC (using g2animent command) that would be able to fight with lightsaber? On Academy and PhatMOD ? 

okay, finally i have a lot of time for answer you. sorry man, morning very busy. 

Point 1: i confess that my specialization is single player and not multiplayer, so i not know how many can help you mine informations. i not play multiplayer game for a while also cause my mod i am working have a lot taken down the MP, so i can play the MP only into my clean installation, the last time i did it, was for check the gunslinger mod of eezstreet :) 

i never played phatmod and i never heard of this commant, but is nice that multiplayer clients have provide with a mod that allow to spawn NPC also on multiplayer too.

i downloaded your link but it contain files that i not know how to use, honestly and a config file  with a lot of setting. i fear i cannot help you with that. ?

point 2: here maybe i can do something:

saber glitch: the NPCs files that are you trying to spawn are correctly configurated? if a npc have the comand "saber single_1" for example, but have not into his NPC file the weapon WP_SABER command, the npc will carry the saber but is not able to equip it! check all npc files of npc that you want to spawn for be sure that NPC have as setted weapon the WP_SABER + saber "sabername" for set the kind of saber you whant they use. if not, they have the weapon bolted to the hand, but they will not use it, this glitch happen also on single player and is caused by the game code.

i not tknow exactlu how work this thing into MP but if is the same thing it could be the explanation of your issue.

3: mod compatibility: if you are not using openjk can be a problem, with open jk is possible to create a mod and store the dll and executable inside the mod folder instead of gamedata, that allow you to use a mod code without problems or risk to override the default game code.


if you slap two code mods on gamedata, or into the same mod folder, instead, you can have issues and any kind of crashes, cause the code will merge and override each other and the istructions coded inside that will mismatched.

so, yes and no: you can use two code mod separately (with openjk), but you cannot run together two different coded mod into the same client cause their executable and dll are not compatible.

i hope i helped you a lot.

you should ask also to other guys, to someone that know exactly these mods and can get you more deeply answers. ?





Thx for answer. I'm sadly must say it wasn't very helpful because that command g2animent can spawn Luke or a Jedi or Desann and they cant use sabers as well. I need to w8 for some1 who know that mod/command I'm talking about. I'll try contact  some1 who was working on it if it possible ?  

15 hours ago, Tamlin said:

Thx for answer. I'm sadly must say it wasn't very helpful because that command g2animent can spawn Luke or a Jedi or Desann and they cant use sabers as well. I need to w8 for some1 who know that mod/command I'm talking about. I'll try contact  some1 who was working on it if it possible ?  

I guess the only that can really solve your problem is the developer of this mod . i am sorry i cannot help you much :/

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/5/2019 at 4:35 AM, Tamlin said:

Is it possible to g2animent npc that would be able to use lightsaber not only hold a hilt? And if so would it be hard to make it works on phatmod ??

You can only use g2animent with weapons


Multiplayer support for npcs is just not there

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


U can g2animent npc that holds saber in multiplayer but saber is not on and they just standing still.

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