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propper way to add textures to cylinder mesh


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This bugs me for a while already, and i am not sure if this is radiant issue or not, but everytime i place a "pipe" texture on a cylinder, i never know how to propperly make it fit and look good. I know about the natural fit, and the cap fit and all those options, but for some odd reason, it never looks good (at least in radiant, and i never test it then in game. I always have a 'hard' line in the pipe texture, and i have a feeling is because it wont wrap correctly in radiant. you originally apply it, then rotate it for 90 degrees (since this is how normally you do it) but it wont fit then correctly. I added a screendump. Anyway to resolve this? Or do i just simply not apply it correctly.



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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late reply Laz. I don't always check the other forums. I have lots of experience with textures and application. Sometimes I actually have to modify it in GIMP or PS and then apply it to a brush, plane or curve. I often use the co-ordinates for a mesh and stretch / move it into a better position. Repeating textures sometimes have a hard line at one or more edges. An easy fix is to add a cover piece over each joint. Besides, it will look more detailed.


@@Lazarus - Show me the texture that you used for the pipe. 

It depends on the effect we try to achieve. I had problems with patches many many times but i found a way to use them nicely. 
Sometimes if you dont want player to look at the place where texture has visible seam - you just rotate pipe in the way that this visible seam.

Also for patches try the shift+s - patch properties. There are some options that might help you. 

I mostly use the set option. One thing it fit the texture to whole cilinder - you can also set values like 0.5 of texture height or width. Depends what you want to achieve.

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