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JA skins into JO SP

Go to solution Solved by RobiWanKen0bi,

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The solution which I wrote IS for Academy: Outcast mod. The solution:


Using the Blender tutorial, I've managed to replace the skeleton, or rather the GLA file from JA model.glm, with the JO version. Since I'm using the JO import into JA, I had to use the JK2anims.gla and not the JO original GLA files.



So first you need to download Blender (it worked with ver.2.79b) and a plugin Blender 2.64+ - Jedi Academy Plugin Suite v0.2.2 (BlenderJAPluginSuite0.2.2.zip)


Download Blender (simply Google it) and the plugin is in the Downloads section in JKHUB.


USE this tutorial




Follow everything in the tutorial except for one thing. Don't use the JEDI OUTCAST GLA file. Instead use the GLA file (You need to extract it from the jaooutcastv1.00a.pk3) from "Jedi Academy - Outcast v1.00a".


When you extract it, it should be located in "\models\players\JK2anims\" in your JA BASE folder.


During the tutorial, when asked for the GLA file, you need to choose the "JK2anims.gla" which is now located in "\models\players\JK2anims\"


Copy this code, when asked:

skeleton = bpy.data.objects["skeleton_root"]
for object in bpy.data.objects:
if 'skin' in object.modifiers:
object.modifiers["skin"].object = skeleton

I'll add this solution to the first page in case anyone else needs it.

Tompa9 and TheWhitePhoenix like this

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