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3 Screenshots

About This File

This is my reskin of Mon Mothma for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast.  Aside from removing the extras that only work in JA, it's the exact same reskin.  That said, the icons still use JA-style backgrounds (which were made by Ruxith here on JKHub).

The hologram of her that appears in the opening cutscene (after the opening crawl and the Raven's Claw flying towards Kejim) is untouched, since that appears to be one of three ROQ files (the ones used for pre-rendered cutscenes) and I have no idea how to edit those.

For the record, loading the JA version in JK2 doesn't crash the game (I deliberately didn't include the model.glm primarily to avoid unnecessary redundancy), but the shader parameters that JA uses to assign dynamic glow to stuff aren't programmed into JK2, resulting in errors if the model is loaded.  Her dress uses one of its two specular textures (the one to make the necklaces shiny, so it's entirely black save for them), while her mouth and eyes use their specular texture, making her eyes look a little creepy.  Likewise, her boots are mostly black, save for a pair of brownish accents here and there.

Moreover, the JA model includes a sounds.cfg written for JA.  The vanilla file has her using "mp_generic_female" instead of "mothma".  There is actually a soundset in JK2 called that, but the way sounds.cfg are written in JA is different than in JK2.  JK2 wants "chars/mothma/misc" followed by "f" on the next line to indicate Mon is a woman and it should read "[player name] killed herself" and so on when applicable.  JA's syntax just needs the name of the soundset folder within "chars".  As a result, JK2 reads "mothma", looks for a folder within sounds called "mothma", doesn't find it, and therefore leaves the model soundless.  It does properly read the "f" on the second line and adjusts the death messages accordingly, though.

In short, it doesn't do any harm if you use the JA version in JK2 beyond making Mon Mothma look kinda freaky.  So if you feel like messing around, give it a whirl.

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