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Master Orgus Din Lightsabers Pack 1.1

   (14 reviews)

6 Screenshots

About This File

Happy anniversary Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy! My gift for the JK Community!



Copy and paste the r_ordinsab.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,

the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base".



UPDATE: New textures and added staff hilts!

Master Orgus Din's Lightsaber. Easily, the most beautiful thing I've ever created.

This is a pack of one hilt model with 3 different skins and 9 different hilts; standard and backhand each single saber and their staff variants.


For SP, enable cheats with helpusobi 1, then type:


saber ordin

saber ordin_b


saber ordins

saber ordins_b


saber ordind

saber ordind_b


saber ordinstaff

saber ordinstaff2

saber ordinstaff3


The backhand sabers have also got modified saber lengths down to 30 for less sparkings with the floor and forced staff style in single saber mode.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.1


  • 1.0 - 6 saber pack release, crappy textures
  • 1.1 - added 3 new staff hilts for a total of 9 sabers to play with! New, 2K textures as well. Might add 1K textures if people want it.
diogocs195 likes this

User Feedback

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The best there is! After nearly two years, you did it, @rooxon! :P it was worth waiting

Rooxon likes this
Darth Sion


It looks more like the sort of lightsaber that Jaden would create, at the start of the SP game, if Raven had actually put a bit more detail and thought into the story process.

Rooxon likes this


The best there is! After nearly two years, you did it, @rooxon! :P it was worth waiting


yeah you requested such a hard hilt that I had to get better first lol :D but I'm glad I made you happy nevertheless!

Tauns likes this
Darth Sion


If this is v1.0, Rooxon.. Is there anything you need to improve/change to finalise it? Just wanna make sure, before I download it, that's all.



Awesome! Are you gonna make other SWTOR lightsabers, too? Like the Jedi Knight character's first saber?



If this is v1.0, Rooxon.. Is there anything you need to improve/change to finalise it? Just wanna make sure, before I download it, that's all.

Download and play with it buddy :P there's no bugs with it, just the textures could be better. But it's allright, I probably won't update this mod anymore. I seldom update a mod that I first uploaded as "1.0". If it's less however, then you should expect updates.


Concerning TOR sabers, this is one and those sabers kids use that are currently on my to do list and none others.



Oh wow. This is, wow. I always use this saber hilt as a Jedi in TOR and now I can use it as a Jedi in JKA :D

You've made my day.


Does anyone know a way of making this selectable in the saber selection menu when starting a new game? Or do I just need to edit it in like with the others?

Rooxon likes this


Oh wow. This is, wow. I always use this saber hilt as a Jedi in TOR and now I can use it as a Jedi in JKA :D


You've made my day.


Does anyone know a way of making this selectable in the saber selection menu when starting a new game? Or do I just need to edit it in like with the others?

Well the quickest way is for you to copy my .glm file to a folder i.e. saber_1, name it saber_1.glm and it will replace the standard Arbiter model. The longer way is to add it in addition to those 9 that you're able to choose from, yeah.



absolute great quality

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