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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""JEDI ACADEMY MODIFICATION"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""



this is the "Deviant Mandalorian" robed, the new version of the famous pack ;)

it's a customisation pack you can use in SP and MP.



old model created by "Laam'inui", old textures created by "Dark_Diablos", new model (with robe) by "Mandalorian", programmation and new menus by Me "Supralord",

thank you all very much ;)



put the pk3 file named "Deviant Mandalorian II robed" in your "Jedi Academy/GameData/Base" folder and play :)

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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Badass. Gonna use this one as my skin.

Supralord likes this


thanks ;)

don't forget to vote :P



Wow..  that's the coolest thing I've seen here in a long time :o  

Supralord likes this
Clan FJA


super les shaders !


qu'est-ce tu deviens ? je t'ai plus vu depuis un sacré moment.

Supralord likes this


merci! ;)

hey lucanakin, en effet ça faisait un baille ;) (je ne suis plus retourné sur le forum depuis environ 1/2 mois, depuis la réinscription de rayd'en :/ )

Clan FJA


allez, hop vote effectué !


Ray'den ne vient plus.

Sinon Alden, Bélial et moi on a relancé l'activité sur l'ex-nouveau forum. Ce n'est plus un clan, mais le but sera de se retrouver de temps en temps entre nous pour des parties coop.  Le projet avance bien et la bêta sera bientôt dispo.

Bref Alden avait posté un truc à ce sujet sur french mandalorian academy.


En tout cas, ça n'as pas l'air d'être la fin des "enquêtes wampa dans la jungle sombre"  ;)



Salut Supra !


BADASS ton truc, vraiment ! :o


J'ai voté 5/5 :D


Et je l'ai downloadé bien sûr. ^^



Super luca, si j'ai un peu de temps avec le boulot et tout j'en serai ;)

Mouhahaha bien fait pour rayd'en gnyark

Merci RJA alias darkshorlds ça faisait un baille aussi ;)




Angel Soul


Dude @Supralord! This is faaaaaaaaaan-tastic!! I so Love this model I wanna cry!! :D

The metal and the visor colors are PERFECT!! Is my favourite metal effects!!
You get 5 out of 5 stars from me! Seriously, I'd give you 1000 of 10, but is unclickable. :D

I do have a small request... could you please add more variations and colors?
And like a glowing symbol on his shoulder - and some buttons on his control panel wrist?

For the purple and red color - can you make them balloon red (lol - I dunno how to call this color).
It looks like this:


This is sooo awesome. This is now my, by far, most favourite JKA model. EVER.

Supralord likes this


very thanks Angel Soul ;)

yes i can do that if you want, but i just begin to make shaders and it's a very hard work for me, i must learn more to improve my creations :/

Angel Soul likes this
Angel Soul


very thanks Angel Soul ;)

yes i can do that if you want, but i just begin to make shaders and it's a very hard work for me, i must learn more to improve my creations :/

You're welcome man! This is really really really fantastic. I don't like Mandalorians... and this is, like I told you, already my TOP favourite playermodel. :D :D

I would Love to, if you can. :) Whatever you learn more about shaders, please don't change ANYTHING on this amazing model that you have created.

Metal is perfect, light is perfect... everything is perfect! :D


As for shader tutorials - @Rooxon dude has released a guide on their creation. :) You may know some of this already, but I still hope it can help you

in your Mandalorian creation. And all your future creations! :)


Here is link:


Supralord likes this


This is epic! Those shaders :D.

Supralord likes this


I would really like a version of this where the armor is just a tad bit darker, and the visor go from green to red. That would look amazing! Can somebody tell me how I can make this or simply make it for me? Thanks!

Supralord likes this


hey brainy ! The red visor is already in this pack, but for the armor i just can tell you this skin use very strong shaders that i didn't make. So i think you have to replace the picture ".spec" in the "models/players/deviantmando" folder of the pk3 file by another, and change values of the shader. I'm not a shader creator, so i can't give you more details, sorry :/



How to I apply this using the "playermodel" command is SP please?? I want this so bad! lol

Angel Soul


In 2021, this is still my favourite model. Just needs CTF skins, with robes. The robes turn gray/white boxes as in texture missing.

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