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The Aegis - Recreated Final

   (2 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File



In short, I recreated the Aegis from Jose Carlos, as per request from our community member Ghost576, nothing less, nothing more.


I was also playing around with something new I'll be doing from now on with my mods, but I than quickly wrapped it up and decided to upload it, because I was a few months late with the end product.


Hope it suits your taste! Enjoy!

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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Looks epic bro, I remember using Carlos's original Aegis hilt and having the saber not work lol, anyways 10 out of 10 love the textures and detail.

Jose Carlos had the right idea though:


I wanted to take a step away from the idea that "sith" means "red, black, spiky and angular.


I wish everybody would not associate Sith in that fashion, they aren't your saturday morning cartoon villain, they are sinister, cruel, and calculating, well the ones that last anyway :D .  

Angel Soul and Rooxon like this


Totally agree. Well many thanks, but I'm not satisfied with a 10/10 anymore. I want to come to a level where my mods are simply brilliant, staggering. When you see what I made and you go ooooooh I gotta play with this! That's what I tend to reach. Well, all in due time. ;)

Bek likes this


This looks unique.  I think Desann is the only one who has an evil looking saber hilt, correct me if I'm wrong.


Though having a saber hilt that had " I hate Jedi " written on it,  would be cool. How about it @@Rooxon ?

Rooxon likes this


This looks unique.  I think Desann is the only one who has an evil looking saber hilt, correct me if I'm wrong.


Though having a saber hilt that had " I hate Jedi " written on it,  would be cool. How about it @@Rooxon ?

Well I honestly doubt any sith would write I hate jedi on it :D And yes, Desann's saber was the only evil looking one I have ever seen, to be honest. Well maybe this idea could evolve a bit further and a saber like that would be possible. I wouldn't exactly write "I hate jedi" on it, but maybe something more... iconic, metaforic, that shows the wielder hates the light side/jedi/whatever. Hmm but now that I think about it, I've got no idea what else could be possible. We would need to present this to the whole community and see what Ideas others have.


Now, some of you may like the original saber a lot more. I'm learning the proper way of texturing these days, I'm still a far way from grasping the whole concept of it, though I'm coming around. I may do updates for my past single saber mods in the future.

Bek likes this


Looks nice but the skin is just....too bright. 

Rooxon likes this


Well I honestly doubt any sith would write I hate jedi on it :D And yes, Desann's saber was the only evil looking one I have ever seen, to be honest. Well maybe this idea could evolve a bit further and a saber like that would be possible. I wouldn't exactly write "I hate jedi" on it, but maybe something more... iconic, metaforic, that shows the wielder hates the light side/jedi/whatever. Hmm but now that I think about it, I've got no idea what else could be possible. We would need to present this to the whole community and see what Ideas others have.


Now, some of you may like the original saber a lot more. I'm learning the proper way of texturing these days, I'm still a far way from grasping the whole concept of it, though I'm coming around. I may do updates for my past single saber mods in the future.


          Well some lightsaber models that were created after the battle of Endor took on different coated colors like copper or golden coatings. I say that, but the electrum hilts come to mind, which sported both colors in the metal mixtures like Palpatine's lightsaber. Maybe a hilt that had a golden coat and had on the sides or around the rim of the emitter saying in mandalorian or some alien language, "Slayer of Jedi fools," would be pretty cool, although I can't think of a more mature title at the moment. In the saber menu, you could name the hilt "Decimator." Since the typical Sith lightsaber looks evil and ragged, what if it had a fancy, more pretentious look, like Sith-royalty, kind of like what Palpatine went for now that I think about it.

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