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6 Screenshots

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Hello there


Here i give you all a JKHub exclusive medium duel map in a power generator room

as a thanks for supporting the Jedi Knight community with this fantastic site

yes i know this might be a bit late but i had few problems making it



Breakable glass

Damaging laser beam

botroutes (my first one so they are a bit buggy)


Enjoy :)

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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This actually has me really interested, which, in all honesty, duel maps really don't take my interest what so ever.


The only one to ever catch my eye before this one was Duel of Fates or whatever it was called.


I really like what you've done here with this small dueling map. It's got awesome lighting and I would assume be quite a catch to play on.


I might even use this map later on in my time in ::JEDI:: for a small side plot.


You've done an excellent job here, I'm very impressed.

Delta_135 likes this

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