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Base Customisation Complete 3.1

   (16 reviews)

22 Screenshots

About This File

This mod allows you to mix and match parts from nearly all of the models from the base game, basically allowing you to use any combination of heads, torsos and legs from the game you want. It includes no new skins, but makes a vast number of torso and leg skins available on models that previously were stuck with just their red, blue and default skins.


If someone who doesn't have the mod sees you online, they will see you as the default version of the model you are using,

rather than boring old kyle.



Throw the pk3 into your base folder.



What you get:


18 New Customisation Species:




















Most of the species have access to 49 legs and 49 torsos. Some can only use fewer due to model limitations.


Some models have special customisation options:


-Mask-off (jedi faces) option for human_merc

-Cape colour/on-off selection and jetpack colour/on-off selection for boba_fett.

-Officer-Shoulder toggle for Stormtrooper

-Life Support Colour/on-off for the stormpilot.

-Shoulder Colour/on-off selection for kyle.

-Shoulder/collar Colour/on-off selection for jeditrainer



Know Issues:

The pack will conflict with any skin packs that change the default appearance of any of the characters who's parts are used in the pack, causing them to change in base custom too. This also applies if you visit a server which switches out some skins.


Your Customisation menu may become glitchy or not display every species you have installed. This is usually because you have too many mods that add new custom species. To solve this, remove any pk3s you aren't using. Alternatively, try entering the /model code for the selection you want (eg /model jedi/head_a1|torso_a2|lower_a25), this should work even if the menu is missing. Finally, if really want, you can remove a species completely by opening the base custom pk3 and deleting the folder from models/players.




If you have any requests or bug reports, Please PM me.


Made exclusively for JKHub.org - 24th August 2012

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 3.1


  • +Menu Strings (JEDI string is incorrect as there is already a string named JEDI in the game)
bigphil2695 and SHIELD_Sniper like this

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Creativity: 10/10

Execution: 9/10

Options: 10/10

Overall: 9.5/10


Wow. Only word can describe Mug's new Base customization pack. I've dabbled with making SP species and I know it is simply a ton of work! Basically every model is available to tweak and customize! The blood, sweat, and tears that must have gone into this really overwhelms me. Good job Mug! I think there are very few improvements to be made, but there are some.


The author did a great job trying to make every model as customizable as possible. He made it so you could even turn off the life support tubes for the Tie Pilot model. I really liked that. The shoulder pad for Kyle, the Jetpack and 'cape' Boba was easily toggled. There was so many options, there is no way you can't be impressed with this. You can get some really neat combos with this. I think the author included two new torso textures, they were just regular shirts but they were so cool looking on every model.


Now here is what I would like to see change. Most every SP species mod forgets to add this. The author did not modify the species title, you know "Human Female", "Rodian Male". This would have really helped the user navigate through all the options. All the user sees is a blank text field that glows. Not bad, but could be fixed. PM me if you need help with this.


Overall, totally superb. This is a welcome addition to anyone's base folder. I love this. Keep up the good work Mug!


New Species: Yes

New Textures: Yes

Unique Icons: Yes




MUG likes this


This customization beats any other out there, really great job.


As Therfiles said, a lot of blood and sweat on this one!


Keep up the good work Mug!

MUG likes this


I only got 2 words for this, UBER DUBER AWESOME! Or is that 3? WHO CARES?!

MUG likes this


Bad @ss dude...this file stays in the base for sure \m/

MUG likes this


That's epic. I always wanted the Good Ol' /model jedi/j2 from JK2 to JKA :) Now all I have to do is change the head.

MUG likes this


FInally someone has done this! amazing and good effort, may have to go play with this for a few hours now. may i use this to vary my npc's?

MUG likes this


FInally someone has done this! amazing and good effort, may have to go play with this for a few hours now. may i use this to vary my npc's?

Glad you like it. Use it however you wish.



I love this, it's great but for some reason i'm getting runtime errors from using this....is this something anyone else is getting too ?

Angel Soul


I have one problem with this - when I uninstalled this mod, taking away the pk3, I could no longer see ANY character to customized in JKA. Help please?







Thank you for your generous hard work!


A keeper!



Danm you! I just lost The Game...


Outstanding piece of work MUG! OUTSTANDING!



I would mix in case the body of stormtrooper with other models with head over how could it be done?



this mod is cool man good job you best mod maker forever

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