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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Uhm, sorry, i pasted somethings, of My notes about the project, asgarath and rekius are two reavers like raziel. is a long story. I am sorry for error of digitation, i am reduce by an influence, and in every case, i have some problems of heals, so when i digit on the keyword i shake my hands. :\ Try to not anger with me for that. :\
  2. Do you Know? Legacy of Kain is an old saga of 5 adventures game of 1995-2003, Blood Omen, Blood Omen 2, Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance. Was become by silicon knight, after by eidos interactive and at the end the the story end with an open cutted final. Now square enix has doing a game about legacy of kain world, but is a moba complety disconneted by the trama of old games. I am doing my project as hobby by six years, but only in the last years i found a truly help that boost my realizzations. this is the story of LOK for people that not know the game: . eidos never product rthe sequel, the dark prphecty, so the story, never be ended. defiance has a gameplay VERY VERY simnilar to jedi academy. And so this is my idea:; a mod conversion of JA, that allow to kain to end his task. i am working abount that by years. at moment i am doing the md3 map object., i have already all enemyes of souol reaver 2, blood onme n 2 and defiance animated and workied as NPC for the game. the project is very ambitious: some material i found in the Blood Omnicide project, a 3d remake of blood omen. i have a large amount of materials but i am alone on that. If someone can help me i be very grateful. The trouble is ... the code. because my project is a SP. and i need to do some manipulation of thre code. I have already replaced ALL weapons of SW and all Force powers, in sound and effect, for making the vampiric spells or the elemental shot. this is the list of what i need. i am not good to code, i am simply a newbie, and i have very troulbe of heal in real life that slow me very fast. at the end, for me this is an hobby. But if someone can help me with something i credits and be ever grateful. Sorry for my bad english. Here there is what i need: Well... i post here, for having some idea, or help for doing that's things on my expansion. sorry, but i am ALONE with thgis project, i have just a friend at moment that help me with graphics. news powers can be used by item dislocated in the level
  3. Filefront is become a thorn on my side for this last years. They policy of download of gamefront cut out of any download cpc of clients situated in some countries or territories. i am italian, so i cannot download more nothing by filefront. Italy are unsupported. bad bad bad, i am doing a mod, and some material was needed. filefront also is very old,. is pratically impossible to contact the original autor of mods for asks permission e \ o helps.
  4. I wanna working to do the same thing nof the force powers in the Single player, Jedi Bantha, i am a newbie for code, and i am doiung a SP mode with some new weapons and new force power i need to a force stun \ paralysiss power that lock moviment of spedd or making as animation of blockin the "BOTH_COWER1" and also i need a powert that blind the en,y reducing rthe virrange for a large ampountof time, and some kind of poison power. If yu are success on do that's things, yu can learn me to me? Please: :\ i am reallyu become crazy withb that things. also, i need a a power that make Not solid thre user or thje NPC, so can be hitted onkly by Force power, but not by swords or melee . a soul devoring power, vbut i think i can do something like a FP_dRAIN with differente effect and at leasdt, a teamHeal power.that cast on the NPC of teeammate near some HP for healing the squad, like the team heal in the MP. i wanna doing a fantasy mod explansion basated on the Legacy Of Kain. the last trick is a poweer that get infinite force point at max value fgor tot amount of secondo, but at the end of time the player has NO force. another curious power shoul be some like a teamrage, a teaprometect and teamabsorbo for the enemy. or a lightning thata make paralasysis on enemy instead of damage. Thanks for Any help on that. THat's is a start point in every case. ù
  5. It's month that i am destroy my brain on this tnings. Thanks Canseco. My trouble is: my mod is for SP: how i can do that thing on the SINGLE PLAYER , for weapons, and TOO, for force powers? On SP, not or Mp. O.o
  6. i am a bad engine scripter, but i know something of mapping and icarus script. Rotaint doors: yu need to create a brush for the door and another brush on middle left\right edge of the door brush textured, in gtk radiant with system \ origin shader. after, yu select the 2 brushes and make it like "func_door" entity. also, set for the door a "script_targetname" rotatedoor as value. build the map. do a script that start with some trigger or force push func button or anyone kind of target_scripturnner issue or Usescript ... and in the script tell: affect "rotatedoor" <- the script targetname of the door, NPC_targetname is for chars, script_targetname for the interactive entitiy ojects. and yu set to move 0 -90 0 degrees. or 0 90 0 degrees thiscreate a door that when is triggered rotate on the origine edge changing script value at 90 0 0 or -90 0 0 or 0 0 90 or 0 0 -90 and yu can get a door that, when triggered, rotate itself on the six different direction by 90 degrees. yu need to do 2 scripts and 2 trigger multiple, if yu want a door open \ close. this is a little complicated work. also because yu need to deactivate the triugger multiple that open the door at the end of the script, or every time player \ npc touch the trigger the door continue to rotate to innatural angles XD. when the scripter for close the door, is end,yu need to deactivate the trigger or func button that close the door and acrivate the script \ button that open, this cycle the door function. is little hard. good luck.
  7. Ridley, i see a thing with visual solution: that's is the procedure of build 1 - download open jk 2 - open and save the solution "jediacademy" with visual studio 3 - in build, yu need to check the box options of the bulding start only the final compilation and the relase. the debug compilation can crash for every stupid minimal synxat error issue not recognized by visual studio. 4 - yu get he dll and exe in the "bin" folder 5- when yu start a new compilation, delete or cut by the bin folder the previous exe or dil because i see that put old dll and exe in the folder bin , give me error and stop the build. That's all for get thje compilation. after. yu do a back up of original EXE and jax86.dll file (so yu can use again if yu ghave trouble without reistanll ja or jo by zero) and put in another folder of gamedata . i created in gamedata a folder called "originalexe, and put a copy of jasp.exe and ja86.dll
  8. I know, but i ask 1 month ago... and no one answer me to the topic. :S http://www.jacoders.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=269 If some one wanna help me or give me same suggest, told me in this thread. plz.
  9. Hello! Yu already know me in chat, eezstreet , do yu remember? the italian boy that wanna do a fantasy mod on jedi knight game? Really, i try to lean C++ but ... programmation is not my ability :s i am more good like mapper or modeller, or scripter or efx or modder. i see the magistral work yu conitnue to do to the code, but i wait to download the project becayse more time pass, more better is. I have a little request: i can resolve much of my trouble with the gameplay of my mod if... ehm... well, add new weapons slots and force powers, or unlock single player weapon of NPC for the player, too, or "clone" a weapon creating a new slot with different efx and damage parameter, well, okay, damage with open jk can be set in weapon.dat, very nice this implementation. uff this i svery HARD to do, so i not ask this. i think to my problem for some month and i found another solution hthe solution is: creagint comamnd parameter for NPC, WEAPONS and SAB filesthat allow to JA to be like an RPG in damage , like KOTOR. for example. not should be wonderful? Ehm... the think i wanna ask is: can yu add on the open jk the follows commands for weapons.dat and sab files, so all modder in futre can create every kind of sword and weapons?? O.o the command needed is: For weapons.dat and also, for sabers. poison : if set to 1, projectile or blade hit make poison like interrogator droid melee, if set to -1 the projectile can recover HP instenad of leave. note for saber: poison is only for hit npc, not for hit func_breakable poisondamage: for weapons. dat e sab file:amount of Health point that recover or subctract every second. poisonaltdamage: dmg of poison for alt attack, only for weapins.dat poisonsplashdamage: splash radius of poison when projectile or sword hit a surfaces or a body poisonaltsplashdamage:: splash radius of alt attack of weapon for poison projectile. classdamaged (name of the class that can get differenzial dmg from the weapon, like DEMP2 is deadly for the droids class but unuseful for others. this allow to a sword, or a weapon, to be more dangerous for a class ) example: classdamage CLASS_GRAN classdamage2 CLASS_WEEQUAY etc etc. mmax amount of class that can get differenzial damage: emm, almost ten. O.o classdamage: for sab and weapons.dat: if set to 1: amount of dmg. (make a weapon get differenzial damage on the class in the previous list. example: : If classdamaged2 is CLASS_GRAN, classdamage2 set the damage for the GRAN class. little complicated, but this function allow rto create EVERY KIND of sword or weapons... a sword that slaam the drois, or a deadly sword of the force that not do dmg to the droid but can do dmg to the living forms! O.o splashclassdamaged and splashclassdamage: like the previous, but set the damage of the splashradius parameter for this classes. example: splashclassdamaged3: CLASS_GRAN and splashclassdamage3: 250 : Gran class hitted by splashradius of weapon or sword get the differenrial damage of 250 instead of default value of weapon O.o Special parameter for weapons and swords: this paramters is like moveanim and animspeedscaledamage: Like animspeedscale value, but affected enemy hitted NOT, the player that use weapon or sword.: ns hit weapon hit slow animation of enemy movement by the value by 0 to 1 for a certain time. 0 is nothinmg, 1 is animation freezed. animspeedscaledamagetime: amount of second that during the efx of slowing \ freezing, animation movespeedscaledamage: like animspeedscale but reduce movemend speed of walk, run and yaw of enemy of amount, set by 0 to 1. 1 freeze enemy movement. movespeedscaledamagetime: number of second of slow or freezing movement of enemy Stun\ blinding \ sonic weapons for sab and weapons.dat Blinddamage: the enemy hitted by the weaoon or sword reduce his visrange to this value. blindtime: amoont of second of reduced visrange. O.o sonicdamage: the enemy hitted by the weapon or the sword reduce the earshot to this value. sonictime: amunt of second of duration of sonic dmg. Hitanim: when the enemy get hitted by this projectile or sword, do the animation BOTH_(NAME) specified. so, if enemy get hitted bu u a sonic sword or a sonicweapon can do BOTH_SONICPAIN animation (see the howlers sonic attack) For NPC files: weaponsresistance: name of the weapon the NPC has a resistance. resistanceamount: name of the dmg absorbed by NPC. for example: if a create an NPC called magma_elemental. and i set in NPC file weaponsresistance WP_BLASTER, weaponresistance WP_THERMAL and mod blaster for be a fireball thrower weappons and WP_THERMAL for be a fire grande weapons, and set weaponresistanceamount by 0 to 1 in decimal value, this NPC absorb this damage in proportional: so, if the elemental of magma has set this comand to 1 in the two cases, mmm become IMMUNE of the damage of BLASTER AND THERMAL mmm, okay, i not have other to ask. Ehm, why ask if is possible to add this command to weapons and sab files? well, because so is possible to create with modding: poison \ healing spells \ weapojns blade, \ projectiles. freezing and slowing spells, \ weapojns \ blade \ projectiles elemental weapons . Ok, if yu like my idea... tell me. i will follow this topic. bye!
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