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Status Updates posted by Delta_135

  1. just played some more with the code and created dismemberment glory :3 just like JKO

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circa


      Are you talking about MP? Because I do all that in SP in JA. I've never tried it in MP. I don't play it.

    3. Delta_135


      no i only edited the sp code to have max dismemberment as default

    4. katanamaru


      OJP Basic had a workaround to get dismemberment working.

  2. just spend 3 hours trying to get KOTOR to work, did not succeed...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      Win7 right? Couldn't find a fix either...

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      I'm running win7, disable the loading videos and you should be fine. well that's what I did...

    4. CrimsonStrife


      I am running x64 bit Win7 and both Kotors run fine for me, I honestly can't remember what I did to them tho.

  3. just tried to compile the openjk code in ms visual studio... did not go well :P

    1. eezstreet


      what version and which .sln

    2. Delta_135


      the .sln is the jedi academy but i think i was just being a bit impatient, i played around with some of the settings and got to work.

      not sure how how to check version...

      (i'm a newbie at coding)

  4. what does this mind thing do anyway?

  5. maybe i should try to use this mindupdate some more...

  6. does anyone know how to add attachments?

  7. i'm too tired to and bored to anything right now... guess i'll watch cat videos on youtube

  8. finally got kotor to work using a... well "community made patch" also the endar spire is the most unstable level ever

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