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  1. 78 downloads

    This is a very simple edit that makes the five base game dual bladed sabers throwable. It also increases the blade length of the dual sabers, to make them the same length as the single blades. The mod comes in three variations: Only enables the throwing (keeping default saber length) Makes the dual sabers longer and makes them throwable Makes the dual sabers longer and makes them throwable, and changes dual saber model 1 (Guardian) to model 5 (Vanquisher). 3 is mainly for players of the TeamBeef VR port like me who don't love Guardian model and want to swap it for the fifth one (since Guardian is the default obtained from the cheat menu). Installation: Choose your preferred version (files are named accordingly) and install the .pk3 like any other mod. This mod does NOT make additional dual sabers added from other mods throwable. To do that, edit the .sab file of the saber in question and change the value of singleBladeThrowable from 1 to 0. My huge thanks to: Linken from the Galactic Legacy Team for teaching me what to edit! The fantastic TeamBeef for reigniting my passion for my favourite childhood game!
  2. Would it be possible to make a version that reskins the cultists in Jedi Academy to the JKII reskins that are part of this pack? I love the look for the New Reborn but the "lower tiers" of Jedi Academy enemies would also look so much better with the updated skins. Essentially, if the original orange and green cultists from JKA could be reskinned with the orange and green models from your JK2 versions, that would be perfect!
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