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  1. 145 downloads

    This mod changes the setting of the single-player campaign to the KOTOR and SWTOR eras – you pick which one! Nearly every character and model in the game has been replaced by incredible models that the community has laboured into existence over the last 20 years: Jolee Bindo or Zen Vallow will be your mentor, Bastila or Satele Shan are leading the Academy! Battle the Sith Cult of Darth Malak or Darth Malgus! Face off against the Sith Empire Forces of Sith Troopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Eradicators and more! Much greater enemy diversity – Cultists and Reborn are more gender-balanced and include alien races! Jedi Characters wear KOTOR era robes, and you can choose for your Jaden to wear them too! Fight against Mandalorians and beloved classic aliens like Selkath and Rakata! More melee duels as many characters wield vibro-blades! And many more.. The mod replaces over 100 voice lines with the help of AI: Tavion’s voice is replaced with a Darth Malak/Malgus appropriate voice that has entirely new dialogue to fit the setting*, Bastila and Satele use a female voice instead of Luke’s, and both Jaden and Kyle have a number of replacers to increase immersion. It’s always been a dream to combine my favourite childhood games into one, and my deepest gratitude for making it possible goes to all the amazing authors of the included models, to Raven Software, Obsidian and Bioware for the original games, and to TeamBeef for the JKA VR port. *What I couldn’t fix though are the extremely gendered animations, so the villains at times have a bigger femme vibe than in other games Installation: Extract the .zip file, and put the z_base_oldrepublic.pk3 and EITHER the z_swtorconversion.pk3, the z_kotorconversion.pk3 or the z_kotorconversion_purist into your base folder. The KOTOR file replaces models with KOTOR era ones (Stormtroopers become KOTOR Sith Troopers, Tavion becomes Malak, Kyle becomes Jolee etc). SWTOR does the same for SWTOR era (Tavion becomes Darth Malgus, Luke becomes Satele Shan, etc.). KOTOR purist version is same as KOTOR except in that it's free from any SWTOR-era enemies, using Dark Jedi instead of Sith Eradicator and Sith Inquisitor). Known Bugs When overtaken by Ragnos, Malak/Malgus face a short texture issue during the cutscenes. Recommended complementary Mods Below are some suggestions for mods that can furhter boost immersion and nostalgia! Kotor Music (quasi obligatory!): https://jkhub.org/files/file/3818-kotor-12-music-replacement-for-jedi-outcast/ SWTOR movie blades: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2862-swtor-movie-blades/ Kotor Stances2: https://jkhub.org/files/file/564-kotor-stances/ JediPack_HB: https://jkhub.org/files/file/4030-jedipack_hb/ Alternate Reborn Voice (makes Sith Eradicators and Inquisitors sound more threatening): https://jkhub.org/files/file/3037-alternate-reborn-voice/ Throwable Staff Sabers: https://jkhub.org/files/file/4264-throwable-staff-sabers/ Credits I did not create any original models for this mod, all credit for them goes to the amazing work of the included authors (full credit list below). I’ve obtained permissions whereever a model’s permission policy was unclear, however I haven't been able to get in contact everyone listed as some people have left the community. Characters: Model: Bastila Shan Author: Circa Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware, Arms, Legs and Hips Mesh - Raven Software https://jkhub.org/files/file/3695-second-sister/ Model: Jolee Bindo Author: Jeff Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/ Model: Darth Malak Author:ksk h20 Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware https://jkhub.org/files/file/2908-darth-malak-lightsaber/ Model: Darth Malgus Author: Psyk0Sith https://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/ Model: HeavyMandalorian Author: Zander_Nao, Noodle, Laam’inui https://jkhub.org/files/file/3921-heavy-mandalorian-pack/ Model: Republic Trooper Author: MarsMarshall, Jeff https://jkhub.org/files/file/2081-republic-trooper/ Model: Satele Shan Author: Jeff https://jkhub.org/files/file/2542-satele-shan/ Model: Sith Assassin Author: Jeff Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian https://jkhub.org/files/file/2529-sith-assassin/ Models: Sith Empire Trooper, Sith Eradicator Author: Mongol The Unwise, The Unguided, EXE Noob https://jkhub.org/files/file/4165-sith-empire-pack-sith-eradicator-and-sith-imperial-trooper/ Model: Sith Inquisitor Author: RevanKnight https://jkhub.org/files/file/2243-swtor-sith-robe-pack/ Model: Zen Vallow Author: Jeff https://jkhub.org/files/file/1826-jedi-master-tor/ Models: DarkJedi_f, KotorJedi Female, KotorJedi Male, KotorJedi Zabrak, KotorJedi Twilekf, KotorJedi TwilekM, Republic Soldier, Saul Karath, Sith Commander, Sith Trooper Author: Galactic Legacy Additional Credit: Spanki, Scerendo, Bioware https://www.moddb.com/mods/swgl Models: Atton, Dark Jedi, Juhani, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaderu HK-50, TOR Protocol droid, TOR Astromech, Rakata, Selkath, Sith Warrior, Swoop-Gang Member Author: Ambrom Additional Credit: Original Models – Bioware, Obsidian https://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/kotorpack Weapons: Models: Jolee and Bastila Hilts Author: plasma https://jkhub.org/files/file/3552-lightsaber-hilt-collection/ Model: Darth Malgus Hilt Author: Psyk0Sith https://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/ Model: Darth Malak Hilt Author:ksk Khaliban Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware https://jkhub.org/files/file/2908-darth-malak-lightsaber/ Models: Vibrosword, Quarterstaff, Stun Baton Author: Rooxon https://jkhub.org/files/file/3284-kotor-melee-megapack/ Permissions All the models and textures belong to their original authors. I give permission to edit or share the replacement soundfiles that I created. Future Plans: If I find the time and someone can teach me/point me to good models, nice additional add-ons would be facial animations for the Kotor Player Characters replacements for the x-wing, tie fighters and Millenium Falcon with era appropriate vehicles SWTOR specific models and skins (Jedi Armor robes) for the Academy Students
  2. 160 downloads

    This is a very simple edit that makes the five base game dual bladed staff sabers throwable. It also increases the blade length of the dual sabers, to make them the same length as the single blades. The mod comes in three variations: Only enables the throwing (keeping default saber length) Makes the dual sabers longer and makes them throwable Makes the dual sabers longer and makes them throwable, and changes dual saber model 1 (Guardian) to model 5 (Vanquisher). 3 is mainly for players of the TeamBeef VR port like me who don't love Guardian model and want to swap it for the fifth one (since Guardian is the default obtained from the cheat menu). Installation: Choose your preferred version (files are named accordingly) and install the .pk3 like any other mod. This mod does NOT make additional dual sabers added from other mods throwable. To do that, edit the .sab file of the saber in question and change the value of singleBladeThrowable from 1 to 0. My huge thanks to: Linken from the Galactic Legacy Team for teaching me what to edit! The fantastic TeamBeef for reigniting my passion for my favourite childhood game!
  3. Would it be possible to make a version that reskins the cultists in Jedi Academy to the JKII reskins that are part of this pack? I love the look for the New Reborn but the "lower tiers" of Jedi Academy enemies would also look so much better with the updated skins. Essentially, if the original orange and green cultists from JKA could be reskinned with the orange and green models from your JK2 versions, that would be perfect!
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