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Everything posted by DarthStevenus

  1. I'm working on a SP campaign and I always imagined the villain being a Chiss in Shadowtrooper armor (without the helmet of course). So that's what I want, Chiss bartender's head on a Shadowtrooper's body. I can do a lot of things mod-wise, but I never learned how to Frankenstein player models. Plus I'm kind of swamped with things to do as it is, what with trying to do a whole SP campaign. Can anyone help me out?
  2. Does anyone know what the difference is between these two? I know one of them (not sure which right now) turns off all saber blocking, from both incoming gunshots and saber attacks. But what does the other one do? Is there a comprehensive list of console commands out there somewhere, with explanations for each command? I know some cheat sites have some console commands, but they don't have ALL the console commands.
  3. Thank you! I tried what you suggested, both with the menu as-is, and after commenting out the close command. Still got the same error message both times.
  4. Okay, I can't quite figure out how I accomplished the whole opening a menu from a script thing before. It was probably a couple of years ago when I first figured it out. I still have the files, and here's what I think I did: 1. I edited my behavEd.bhc to add the name of my menu to this block: <%s="MENUSCREENS"> { "mainMenu" "ingameMainMenu" "ingameloadMenu" } so that I can select my menus from the behavEd SET_MENU_SCREEN command. I'm pretty sure the name parameter in the menuDef section of my menu needs to match this, as well as the name of the menu file itself maybe. The names in the menuDefs for my two menus are "hide_HUD" and "show_HUD" and the file names are the same. 2. I added my new menus to base/ui/ingame.txt. I don't know if it's necessary to add them to base/ui/menus.txt, but I did it anyway. 3. I added a SET_MENU_SCREEN command to my scripts with the menus set to my menus I added in the behavEd.bhc file. I think that's it. But when I load my game I get this: "WARNING: Menus_ActivateByName: Unable to find 'show_HUD'" I've looked through my files I had from the first time I tried and succeeded in doing this, but I can't find anything else that I did to make it work. Anyone have any ideas? These are my menu files by the way: { menuDef { name "hide_HUD" onOpen { exec "hide_HUD.cfg" close hide_HUD } } } { menuDef { name "show_HUD" onOpen { exec "show_HUD.cfg" close show_HUD } } } And these are my config files: helpusobi 1 cg_drawhud 0 cg_drawcrosshair 0 helpusobi 0 helpusobi 1 cg_drawhud 1 cg_drawcrosshair 1 helpusobi 0
  5. Hence why I would have it close itself. I'm thinking about a menu that literally just says: { menuDef { onOpen { exec "helpusobi 1" exec "hide_HUD.cfg" exec "helpusobi 0" close thismenu } } }
  6. Well there's going to be a lightsaber fight during that bit, so the user needs to be able to use weapons, I just don't want any HUD stuff showing up. It's during a sort of flashback. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I've done something before where I ran a cfg file from a menu. And I've also found a way to open a custom menu using icarus scripting. Maybe I could make a menu that's invisible, and does nothing but activate the cfg then close itself? Maybe I'll try that.
  7. I've had that problem with terrain before. Radiant seems to be pretty sensitive with manipulating vertices on a brush. Never did find a solution for it.
  8. Is it possible to execute a cfg file from a script? I want to use cg_drawhud 0, cg_drawcrosshair 0, and cg_drawgun 0 for a specific part of my SP mod, and I have a cfg file that does that, and another one that sets all those back to 1. Is there a way to run these from an Icarus script?
  9. Checked out the tutorial, subtitles still aren't working. I wonder if it might have something to do with the encoding of the string file?
  10. Just tried doing both of those things, still no subtitles. I'll keep messing around with it. That tutorial might help.
  11. Can anyone walk me through the process of adding subtitles to cutscenes? My SP mod won't have any voice actors, so I need subtitles. So far I've done this: 1. I have a series of empty wav files of various lengths that I have in a folder, base\sound\chars\ds_sp_cinematics. These files were made from base\sound\null.wav, all of them are 32 bit float wavs, mono, 11025 Hz. 2. I have a cutscene script that uses the affect command on various NPCs when I want them to say something. I play a sound inside the affect block that uses the voice channel, the sound is one of the blank wav files from the folder I listed before. 3. I have a str file in my base\strings\English folder, ds_sp_intro.str. I copied my str file from one of the default ones. In the reference line I have the name of the sound file used in the script, and obviously on the lang_english line I have the text I want to display in the subtitles when that sound file is played. But when I start the level, there are no subtitles. And I do have subtitles enabled for cinematics. Is there a good tutorial out there for this? And how does the game figure out which sound file is being referenced in the str files without the absolute path to the files being specified? Does it just scan through all the files in the base\sound\char folders? That can't be right, can it? Am I missing a step?
  12. I changed the ceiling in the lounge area. The neon just didn't fit. Too much like a night club or something. And I added some ventilation shafts that'll be part of one of the possible solutions to the puzzle in the academy intro level.
  13. Like the title says, I'm trying to make the doors in my map have a nice specular shader. The shader works fine on normal brushes, but when I put it on an actual door entity, it behaves strangely. On my laptop, the spec map doesn't seem to show at all. On my desktop, I will stand a certain distance away from the door and not see the spec map, then when I take a few steps closer it will quickly pop in. Is there some key I have to set on the door entities?
  14. I like that but it's hard to figure out how to do it since the position of the guns in game looks different than it does in Radiant. How did you figure it out?
  15. I thought about it but couldn't remember which ones were illegal, except for the Disruptor.
  16. I'm just picturing some rebel soldier having to install the neon light fixtures (in an academy for space monks). It's kind of ridiculous. Imagine Luke meeting with an interior designer. "If we blow out this ceiling a bit it will really open up the room." And Luke is just nodding and scratching his chin like "ooh yeah, that's gonna look real nice. Good feng shui." Anyway, I made a weapons stockroom. You'll go here before you leave on your mission, to stock up on weapons.
  17. Got to work on the lounge area. Padawans gotta blow off steam sometimes, right? The potted plants between the benches should have... well, plants in them. For some reason I'm always having problems with textures on certain models. The screens hanging from the ceiling in the second shot are also having texture problems. The base metal texture is just flat black.
  18. Got some more mapping done in the last few days. Added the hall outside the big temple area where you talk to Luke: And I added a barracks area, where all the students sleep. I wanted it cramped and dark with oppressive (almost Imperial) artificial lighting, for story reasons... There's some lockers for storing personal belongings in the back of the room.
  19. I'm making a SP mod and I need to have some NPCs walking around and doing things in one area. I have a rebel NPC I want to alternate between looking at a console and leaning back against a wall. I setup two waypoint_navgoals with targetnames rebel2_nav1 and rebel2_nav2. They've also got angles set on them. Here is the spawnscript for my rebel NPC, who starts out with the cinematic behavioral state. The script starts out working correctly, but somewhere in the second iteration of the loop it breaks down. The NPC goes to nav1, stands for the right amount of time with the correct angles and animation, then correctly goes to nav2 and leans back on the wall, again with the correct angles and animation. It stands back up and goes back to nav1, entering the second iteration of the loop, it stands staring at the console, but then when it's supposed to walk to nav2, it instead goes directly into the lean animation and moves, without playing a walking animation, to nav2, where it faces the wrong angle. Then it shows similar behavior when it tries to go back to nav1. Does anyone know what's wrong with my script? EDIT: Forgot to mention, I started the map with icarus debug enabled, didn't see any error messages.
  20. SP, cheats are enabled, enemy NPCs won't stop attacking me. It briefly worked once when I tried again later. I typed "notarget 0" and the enemy NPC stopped attacking me. However, typing "notarget 1" did nothing. Neither did "notarget" or "toggle notarget". I never got him to resume attacking me and had to restart the game.
  21. Like the title says, I'm trying to play Jedi Academy on my laptop, which has it installed via Steam and not the disc, and notarget doesn't seem to work. When I try it on my desktop I just have to type "notarget" into the console and it toggles it. With the Steam version it expects a 0 or 1, but even "notarget 0" and "notarget 1" do nothing. Anyone else had this problem? I tried Googling it but can't find anything.
  22. Does anyone remember when you get the cutscene where you see Rosh in some kind of common area at the academy talking to another padawan about how he's being held back? Does that cutscene play directly after one of the missions? Anyone know which map it's in? Can I load it with the console and go directly to that cutscene with "map xmapname"?
  23. Added this exciting area. You can push blocks!! Lighting came out weird though. It's not coming through those windows properly.
  24. Added the area where you can spawn the seeker droids.
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