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Everything posted by DJ5D

  1. i had to fix this manually. too bad i didnt see this fix here first!
  2. I Installed this for Jedi Academy too but with a couple of hitches. I got a "couldn't find weapon for weapon" error. SOLUTION... The ultimate weapons pk3 was missing some items like wp_concussion, etc that WERE in the original JKA game assets, possibly because it was made for Jedi Outcast, maybe? So....with 7zip I opened the original game assets1.pk3 file and copied the weapons.dat file from the ext_data dir. Then I went into untimateweaponsjk2.pk3 and pasted it into the ext_data dir there. I had to edit the ammo values to match the mod's, but otherwise everything was identical and now it functions nicely with JKA as well.
  3. Same problem here,,,"couldn't find weapon for weapon" error in Jedi Academy using the ultimateweaponsjk2 mod. SOLUTION The ultimate weapons pk3 was missing some items like wp_concussion, etc that WERE in the original game assets, possibly because it was made for Jedi Outcast? Dont know. So....with 7zip open the original game assets1.pk3 file and copy weapons.dat file from the ext_data dir. Then go into ultimateweaponsjk2.pk3 and paste it into the ext_data dir there. You will have to edit some- everything was identical except for some ammo values, so i changed them to the mod file values and voila, it works now.
  4. YEAH that saved me too. Next on the list is the light saber flashes being too bright. How to fix without getting rid of all the lightsaber FX?
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