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Everything posted by Setlec

  1. well i guess so, otherwise i wouldn't be doing it.
  2. Katanamaru is still around LucasForums you should go there and PM him.
  3. lol just got the steam version since my CDs are in south amercia while atm i'm at in North Africa.
  4. mods clause is in the EULA that comes with the game when you buy it, iirc. the game assets can be modified or even replace for a mods but that doesn't make a entirely new asset, meaning that you still require parts of the original asset to be distribute, making a standalone using modified asset(s) is strictly forbidden. EULA remains valid for the game and its assets while the source code of the game use GPLv2 license. Hope that makes sense.
  5. what do you mean exactly? Are you saying that the SP might use the network protocol for, idk, Co-OP games? if yes it shouldn't be a problem thought these hosted Co-OP should indicate their Co-OP mode just like others servers do for FFA, TDM and etc.
  6. Hmmm didn't read the mp3 header. Just saw the name file and assumed it to be problematic.
  7. after looking closely at the source code content some files truly shouldn't be there, when you compare to original q3 code GPL. EAX, mp3 and few others header are the problematic ones, Xbox stuff should have been cleaned up b4 the release.
  8. well i only found out about this site while reading a post on LucasForums... I also browse jediknight3.filefront.com, so i was until today ignorant of this site. it would good to assume that many doesn't know about this and it would good also to advert on filefront moddb and alike.
  9. Steam version should be the very same version as cd version with updates. If a new "patch" comes out one thing for sure is that steam won't deploy it. specialy since it's a non official patch.
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