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Posts posted by Setlec

  1. well, i was kinda hoping that a vulkan render could make a good thing for openJK project. I mean that with vulkan maintening a render based on it could ease (despise being more complicated to implement than openGL based render) and also you would code one render for windows and linux. For the MacOS version we could still use  the openGL one for now...


    This is my two cents idea...

  2. like i said.. the topology was wrong and id have to tamper with that one for weeks to get it right, as opposed to starting from a version with better topo to match his weird lip and cheek folds. im not having a huge problem getting his face accurate... just a problem rather with getting that particular peice of mesh to look right without remodelling it... so im just going to end up exporting this exactly like it is in high res, then making rendermaps for it, then adjusting the low poly mesh to fit it as nicely as i can, then use the rendermaps in photoshop to overlay on top of the original zbrush paintjob you see here, to add in shadows and stuff and use that for his texture. just a matter of time now i guess as i am satisfied with it if i can get it to come out more like the sculpt. which the old head will not do @@Barricade24




    been a while since i last check this topic but i've got to say this is looking awesome!  good job!

  3. If you want more swings per input here's an idea I've been toying with. For a couple of styles I planned on putting attacks in the transitions. So a 2 input combo would make 3 swings. Not perfect for the button presses, but it is something new.


    For parries I also planned to make a soresu style that had a block followed by an attack animation. So that when form 3 blocked they could counter-attack right away based on where they just parried and attacking where the opponent was open.


    For Juyo I planned to combine both those ideas.

    Feel free to try them out if that will help you.


    I'm looking forward to seeing the dash!


    Once I get XSI figured out I'll still and try to make a repulse. Then you can use which ever you like.

    You know that somehow made me think of the game Brink by Splash Damage. their SMART button that enable new moves depending of your location, speed and etc. we could have some thing like but only for animations/moves.


    OK picture yourselves having a specific combat style and using a smart thingy that allows you to have more moves only available with that combat style. while the input would be increased by more key we could use mouse key additional side key to use this things while we avoid having more Keyboard keys input.



    Does that makes sense to you?

  4. If you play single player still SOUND OFF!!


    What makes you keep coming back to the sp game?

    If you prefer sp to mp why is that?

    What are your favorite mods for sp?

    What type of mods would you like to see for sp?


    I only play SP, MP gameplay is nice but i do suck in PvP!


    JK2 story line is what makes me play over and over again. i do like the new force powers any movement animations from JKA.


    SP over MP due to SP's NPCS are more difficult to deal with than on MP, imo.


    for the mods i usually play with the Yoda mod, and few other mods that add few lightsaber and new skin for the player. Hate to see the same npcs over and over with texture changes.


    Mods that i would like to see are, a CO-OP mod, new force powers and animations, fighting styles.

    Circa and katanamaru like this
  5. truly this is a big shame that LA didn't make more games by it's own instead of licensing their titles to 3rd party studios. sure that bioware did a great job for KOTOR but  they did make TFU and it was good, TFU2 was bad unfortunately. being consoles port to pc didn't help LA that much. 1313 had a nice story line and good gfx, haven't tested the game nor seen how it was played since i can't afford to go to the E3 or GDCs events. If only they did give a small damn to their fans maybe they would have make better games.


    Anyway hope that the next EA games for Star Wars won't fail us.

  6. Man, this is hard. Let's see ... I like a lot of the improvements in Jedi Academy, like the dual sabers/saber staff, new force powers in SP, etc., and JKA is also a lot easier to mod, but it doesn't come close to Jedi Outcast's storyline and levels. I'll vote for Jedi Outcast, because I prefer the base game, but I like modding Jedi Academy more (especially since I've imported the Jedi Outcast levels into Jedi Academy).

    if only we could have staff saber into JO then bye bye JKA.


    anyway JO got my vote but honestly i couldn't chose btw JK and JO so i had to use a coin to decide which one i would select.


    Not at all, although it is very hard to explain with text alone.
    First I started with a base metal color, which I also made from scratch with a solid color with added noise + the blur, dodge and burn tools. That's another story. Anyway, I filled a 2048 x 2048 blank canvas with the base metal texture, and then I set out to make the shapes of the circles and lines. 
    To make the circles I Shift + dragged to make a circle, and filled it black. Then, in Blending options I checked stroke and colored the stroke another color, which expanded the borders of the circle a little.
    Then I rasterized the layer and selected the colored border with the magic wand, and deleted the inside of the circle, so I effectively just had the border around the circle. Then I simply duplicated the circle and placed it accordingly with Raven's texture, and connected them with the black bars. After that I merged all of the circles and bars together, and I beveled and embossed them inward to give them depth. Then I lowered the opacity of all of the black circles and bars a little, and then added the rounded rectangle things with Photoshop's rounded rectangle tool. I had to edit the radius of the rounded rectangle though so it was fat enough, like raven's texture. 
    Finally, I put a metal texture I had found on CGTextures over it and set it as overlay in the layers dropdown box, which gave it all of the metallic details without having to laboriously paint them all in (not to mention I suck at painting).
    I should write a tutorial when I have the time. Making textures is not very hard, but it's very time consuming if you want the final product to actually look good. That door texture took about an hour to make, although since the floor I made was simpler that took me like 20 minutes.

    i didn't get one word out of this though i do think this is damn cool :P awesome textures, truly.

  8. mods clause is in the EULA that comes with the game when you buy it, iirc. the game assets can be modified or even replace for a mods but that doesn't make a entirely new asset, meaning that you still require parts of the original asset to be distribute, making a standalone using modified asset(s) is strictly forbidden. EULA remains valid for the game and its assets while the source code of the game use GPLv2 license.


    Hope that makes sense.

  9. what do you mean exactly? Are you saying that the SP might use the network protocol for, idk, Co-OP games? if yes it shouldn't be a problem thought these hosted Co-OP should indicate their Co-OP mode just like others servers do for FFA, TDM and etc.

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