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Files posted by Joshua

  1. Luke Skywalker – The Empire Strikes Back – Bespin & Dagobah Outfits

    A lot of people have criticized HapSlash's Luke model for its looks, forgetting that it was one of the first skins for Jedi Outcast modding. So I took Hapslash's, Toshi's and DT's Luke, put their best parts together, and retweaked the whole model to my liking, trying to make it look as much like the Luke Skywalker I remember from Episode V as possible.
    LODs: Yes
    Team Support: Yes
    Bot: No
    NPC: No
    Single Player: No
    Special thanks:
    Thanks to HapSlash for the skin, to Toshi for Luke's face, to DT for the belt, and Raven Software for the base Jedi model, because these were the basis for mine without which this model could never have been made.
    Last but not least, thanks to Noodle, Mat Gaunt and The Unguided, who introduced me to Blender and guided me through the maze of model making.


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  2. Kyle Katarn With Jacket

    Sometime around 2012, I saw a photo on DeviantArt from a guy recreating Kyle Katarn from Star Wars Tales #21 "Equals and Opposites" comic book for Jedi Academy, and I was really inspired. I wanted to create the model myself, but unfortunately I didn't have the skills, so I only dreamed of ever playing with it. Although I found a few similar solutions, unfortunately I missed Kyle's original head from Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.
    Then, by 2023, I worked up the courage to learn JK modelling and skinning at least enough to make the Kyle Katarn I had dreamed of. And since I read on a few forums that other people like this model, I'm sharing it with you.
    The model has icons, but if they don't appear in the game, they can be accessed with the following commands in the console:
    model kyle/jacket
    model kyle/jacket_blue
    model kyle/jacket_red
    LODs: Yes
    Team Support: Yes
    Bot: No
    NPC: No
    Single Player: Yes
    Special thanks to:
    Infinity Blade, because without him and the jacket and holster of his Mercenary Kyle model, my dream would never have come true.
    Noodle, who introduced me to Blender and guided me through the maze of model making.


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