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  1. 81 downloads

    The the newest in star wars technology, intergalatic trash can!
  2. LastWish



    IG-88 Player model.
  3. 104 downloads

  4. 302 downloads

    Rickenbacker 4001, saber model. I have no idea why I made this...
  5. 224 downloads

    WHYYY Just.. Whyyyy!
  6. 100 downloads

    Rosh's head has been attached to a spear. Oh dear.
  7. 240 downloads

    Bathleth, The klingon weapon.
  8. 261 downloads

    This is a sword model based upon Frodo's sword from the Lord of The Ring trilogy "Found by Bilbo in his travels through Murkwood, the magical sword Sting was passed down to Frodo to alert him of danger on his journey to Mordor."
  9. 91 downloads

    Why did I make this?
  10. 92 downloads

    Duel map Temple'ish area. Just for funz
  11. LastWish



    This is the AT-ST vehicle made over to a player model O_o. Npc Support, Team support, bot support, sounds and sp support, all included.
  12. 105 downloads

    This is a kinda monster/alien, which I named ''Dark Evil Spikey'' because he got a lot of spikes on him and he looks cute.
  13. 102 downloads

    This is a very boring and very random sword that I created in very short time. I didn't plan on releasing it, but still, it works fine and feels good to use so.
  14. 122 downloads

    This is a model from Castlevania, Requested by Darth Cariss (Thanks =P) Including 2 skins, team support and npc support.
  15. 132 downloads

    This is a man made of boxes, including SP support (10 upper, 4 heads and 4 lower), team support, and npc support. A saber is also included, fitting the model. (This has SP support as well.)
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