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Everything posted by Westbam
Chloe's WIP Thread - Jedi Knight: Reborn
Westbam replied to chloe's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
cool thank you! no worries! whenever you can ! -
Chloe's WIP Thread - Jedi Knight: Reborn
Westbam replied to chloe's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
hey @chloe, our team Solum is currently working over a year long on a JKA competitive remaster version for the multiplayer community. Its a huge project. Developers involved, map and modelmakers involved etc. We are still in need of a cool modern UI. Are you willing to to help us out with the project and add a UI pk3 for jamp ? Would be really cool thanks and take care -
I'm looking for people who can make skins/models, particularily from this site and SWBattlefrontII https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-conversions/downloads My team tries to renew JKA and we want people to be able to play any Star Wars skin there is. I made a lot of work myself by providing teamcolors to each modern skin. But I will need help from some other ethusiasts. What else were are looking for: some nice UserInterface if you have some share! We use many mods, skins/models and maps that are in here on JKHub. So we will honor everyone who has done great work so far. And I think people deserve to finally have their work recognized. This is where we bring our huge project together. Everyone will be part of it. We found a guy that potentially will do raytracing for us, so that will look amazing too. We have lots of new maps, also here posted on JKHub and some that are not released yet, we will wait for it. We are just a few people who are currently working on several things to improve this game. Would be nice to have someone on board with this project, message me or leave a discord add. Lets work together!
Hi everyone, I came here to ask some very skilled people to make a new client (like OpenJK) that will help to get back activity in the game. Basically Im very familiar these days with hacks and exploits that ruined and killed every community that has tried to revive the game. What we would need is a complete default net settings client that is not allowing anyone to change these settings, for example /RATE /cl_maxpackets /cl_timenudge /cl_packetdup and so on. These should be all in an up to date manner (for todays use). For example everyone uses "/rate 50000, /cl_maxpackets 100 or 125, cl_timenudge off, cl_packetdup off Fov that is scalable with the resolution, so nobody can abuse high fov with lower resolutions. I for example if I play on 1440p, I need some fov so I dont have a zoom play. On the server side: A mod that only accepts the client that I mentioned above. Everyone who tries to connect to a server without that client has simply no access. I think that would be an epic way to restore the game and everyone playing fair. As well as crash protection mod. Perhaps aswell a servermod that allows the client to download a custom map when someone tries to enter. So that person can participate in the game even without having the map beforehand. The client has to be built very secure, so it cant be exploited or used to get into other peoples PCs and destroy or steal their data. That is very possible with the leaky jamp.exe, ETJK clients and cheat clients that are available. Maybe the OPENJK will do the job just with some further work on it.
The Great Palace (FFA/TFFA/CTF) Multimap [6 Maps in 1]
Westbam commented on Westbam's file in Mixed Gametypes
Version 1
After months of hard work we can finally release this multi map of 6 maps in 1 - THE GREAT PALACE! This map suits your every gamestyle, wether it is FFA, TFFA, CTF or DUELS. It has a main hall to hang around, it is connected via a temple area to all other duel rooms! Quick spawns in main area and teleports get you everywhere pretty quickly. Just walk into those Signplates in the map and you teleport to the next spot! This map was made for the JA+ Community but also for basers and we think it is a great map to play on. It has high quality textures and is so optimized that you can play easily with 125FPS everywhere, even 333FPS. It has boutroutes if you like to play with bots on it. They will mainly walk around the GreatHall and TempleArea. We added CTF spawns so if you like to play CTF in the Temple Area you can do so! We have an area where we you can play music and feel like you are in a club! We hope you enjoy! JOIN US: JA+ SERVER WITH THE MAP! JA+ SERVER WITH THE MAP! JA+ SERVER WITH THE MAP! = The Great Palace = All our previous B2B tffa/duel maps ported together as a casual FFA map by Method & Westbam ________________________ TheGreatPalace.bsp * Fast teleports to each areas * Auto-jump pads to bridge * Medpacks & shields added * Some secret in a map maybe:) * New Cantina/Nightclub with music changer, switchable strobe lights and other stuff * B2B Duel maps added/ported; https://jkhub.org/files/file/4009-b2b-method-westbams-mapbundle-1/ * Spawnpoints fix (Spawnpoints mostly in Great Hall area and few in Great_Temple @ FFA Mode) * FFA, TFFA, CTF, Duel, Power Duel gamemodes support; CTF (Saber-Only) spawnpoints & flags in Temple area and Duel(s) in Tryhard. - Botroutes YES - No Weapons added Known bugs: - MW Club area FPS drops at some places (130-350 fps tested on potato GTX970) RECOMMENDED: Disable dynamicglow (/r_dynamicglow 0) ________________________ Authors : Method & Westbam Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel/CTF Release Date: August 2022 ________________________ INSTALLATION Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder ________________________ CREDITS & BIG THANKS: Szico VII - textures/shaders/models from Atlantica map MaceCrusherMadunusus - textures/shaders from Kamino map and overall help/tips AngelModder - Jedi statues models from Jedis Home 3 map Plasma - textures/shaders from Starkiller Base map Shadow Stone - textures/shaders from Jedi's Home 1 & 2 map Langerd - Darth Vader model from statuary hall duel map and some textures used from a map Cloud City SP mission -
Hi people of JKA! Westbam & Method are presenting you 4 epic duel/ffa maps. Mixed gametype. Map 1) Floor is Lava V3 a duel map with a platform and lava underneath that kills you if you fall down. The ultimate skill map! Map 2) Duel_Great_Temple picked a section from our capture the flag map Map 3) Duel1 Remake 2022, a Duel1 just a lot cooler Map 4) Great_Tryhard A duel map on a platform with judgeseats around! Credits go to method for incredible help to make these maps happen with me, and credits to those who made these textures. Incredible work! Textures made by Plasma, Shadow Stone, Angel Modder, Sith-j-Cull, MaceMadunusus, Szico VII