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Sam Samarn

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  1. The name is Samarn. Sam Samarn. The last time I played JKO and JKA was in early 2007. I recently found my copies and got them working. I lost all my clan files and mods and other mods as well. I used to be in a clan called [SJO] and I am hoping I can find some old members here to reunite as well as make new friends!
  2. Hello, all!

    I used to play JKO and JKA a long, long time ago. I used to be in a clan called [SJO] and I am hoping I can find some old members here to reunite!


    1. Aldro Koon

      Aldro Koon

      Hey dude, I think loda's SJO turned into ups if I'm not mistaking. 


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