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The Son of Revan

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File Reviews posted by The Son of Revan

    TK-962's AT-AT Pilot

       198    0

    Thanks for making the Jedi betrayal mod available I have 2 questions please, it said theres a playable jedi temple duel map? I found only a sith temple map but

    it wont work also the fallen jaden Model is fantastic the only thing wrong with it is that he has no arms or hands and the lightsaber just disappears when you deactivate it instead of going into the hilt

    do you have a fixed version please I would appreciate it. ?

  1. This mod is awesome thanks for making it! I have one question I would like to play as vader with those animations in the vanilla game or KOTF is there a file I could use so that when I do playermodel Vader it will use those animations only when I use that character? thanks for reading this and cheers.

    New Beginning SP Mod

       4,648    37

    This Mod is fantastic has a lot of potential to be up there with Knights of the force and movie duels, also there was zero bugs.

    I love the idea of having a hub area instead of just clicking the missions and not being able to explore yavin so ty for that.

    If I could recommend anything I would recommend adding the ability to duel Rosh kyle Jaden or luke after fighting Padawans and knights easiest to hardest and in Legends Luke's students fought Exar Kuns spirit on Yavin and also Darth Krayt could be the new villain. also maybe a Coruscant or dantooine jedi temple level recover a holecron? Thanks for reading this if you need a voice actor i'll do it for free I got a blue yeti        ??

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