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Files posted by @JCulley3D

  1. Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 2

    Well I spent a long time on this map and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. First I will talke about the different areas, you will find the Huge lava river complete with different floatin platforms and droids that you can ride on or battle on. The river has various lava falls which (in most cases) will kill you as will the lava. The lava collectors in this area can be lowered into the lava byt the control panel in the control room to the right of the main door. The control panel next to that will also trigger the lowering once destroyed.
    There are three landing pads with Anakins fighter, Padmes Noobian, and the Emporers shuttle, a droid work shop complete with a stock of droids LOL!
    Now unfortunately there are some bugs in this version, even though I used the appropriate spawnflags on some of the rock models, they still allow the players to pass through them in places, also there are two crates left unclipped in the droid workshop, some of the lava falls allow you to pass through them, and areas of the lava river do not kill you.
    There are some other minor glitches which will all be sorted once I release the final 2 parts of the mappack series. I intend to release all six maps in thier complete form as one huge mappack
    Out of these two maps Mustafar is my favourite and is the one I spent most time on.
    Ok well this map was a pain in the but from the start, it was so hard to get the feel and look of Utapau using the q3a engine, so I did my best, parts of the map look pretty basic but other part like the 'level 10' trade fed ship and some of the Utapau structures are pretty detailed.
    There are two func_trains that 'fly' around this level taking you from the lower parts to the upper level 10, there are also jump pads here and there, plenty of landing pads where you can spawn things (yourselfs i mean lol!).
    Again as with mustafar I will provide a more complete version of this map in the final 6 mappack!


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  2. Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 3

    Hey peeps,
    This, the final of my episode III mappacks, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them.
    This pack includes:
    The Galactic Senate
    The Battle of Kashyyy
    And a special sneak peak at the Vaders Immortalization chamber featured at the end of episode III.

    The Senate
    I had to make a big decision in this map; I mean the shire size of the senate from the movies is pretty Impossible to recreate in radiant, I had to make a SERIOUSE cut back on the amount of pads I added, however I did include over 160 pods in the map some of which are interactive; it also features the blade doors and central elevator as seen in the movie.
    Don't forget to hold the usetime button found on the main floor of the map - it will alter the map so that it appears destroyed just like after Yoda and Sidy fight.
    The detail in this map was kept to a minimum; however some with lower spec pc's will indeed have problems with fps. due to the size and nature of the map so sorry about that. I included some of the best vehicle models in one of the zip files,
    these are the ones I included in the map, I had intended to use all new kashyyyk vehicles but I don't think they were completed in time one way or the other.
    Vader's immortalization chamber
    This is a special bonus map only two rooms as it is a sneak peak of the full map which will include the landing pad etc.
    The next release in the mappack series, as I have stated before will not include any new episode III maps, but it will feature all of the previous maps but in the completed form. In a way all of the maps in the mappacks have been Betas, for the complete release that I plan to get to you around Christmas.


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  3. Tatooine Scum and Wampas?

    I have made this map for the MovieBattles mod - although this version is FFa; it is missing certain rooms and areas that will appear in the MB version, whilst I add the seige entities with the help of Dacks at MB, I thought I would release this FFA version.
    Have Fun


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  4. Universal Training

    This map is a functional map set in paradise type gardens there is one large arena and one small arena with spectator tower pads around both.


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