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File Reviews posted by RobiWanKen0bi

    BSP Entity Edit

       190    13

    I've been playing around with this bsp editor and it is really fantastic to use. I managed to easily modify a lot of maps and made the demo versions of DF2 and MOTS playable. Made some changes to maps to the JO mod for JA and now I've connected the bonus maps to the regular ones in the DF demo.  I truly recommend this tool, which makes bsp editing a lot more easier.

    SomaZ likes this
  1. It seems a texture is missing on the lower metal platform (all around, on the sides). Other than that the map looks good.

    EDIT: This one is missing and can be re-added (after a little research): textures\impgarrison\metal_lg.jpg

    Also the hauler (ship) is missing, or has been removed on purpose, but the invisible barrier is still there. I suggest re-ading the ship.

    The music is good, but I prefer the duel.mp3 which was in the JO campaign (against Tavion).

    Carbon Freezing Chamber

       429    0

    Looks great, but there are a lot of missing textures here. You need to have the JO texture pack to use this map properly. Can you at least point out which textures are needed (kejim, bespin, imp_detention, doomgiver)?

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