Thanks a whole lot guys! I’m so happy you guys appreciate my work, it’ll make a change from mb2 forum into which I keep getting bullied every time I post something Ideally, i sure want low polis models so that I can use, and share it for people to play with inside the game! But I wasn’t aware of any of these polis/tris details limitations about JKA engine when I started building, Im still not even sure what is the roof and the floor. A dev told me that, tris wise, currently my most detailed hilt is bigger then the most played map DOTF V2! I found that a slight funny, but it also saddens me to know I probably cant export that current model in game, without huge optimization. Altho, I’ve successfully optimized a prototype that look about the same, still real nice at 6.5kish polis and tris, but they said JKA couldn’t handle that either... *salt slowly rising* I need your help guys, to understand optimization, but also for another detail! If someone could grab fews of the most detailed hilt, Orgus Din, Ezra (im guessing) made by Rooxon, and or any more detailed hilt, and give me exact polis, tris and vert count, it’ll give me an approximation of the roof I can work with! Im pretty sure that his hilts are bigger then 1k polis and tris, since the shitty hilt which I’ve managed to import, (which is also the one I’m trying to replace), MB2 Qu-Rhan, has a count of 900 ish. I’d do it my self, but I m not yet experienced enough with files stuff, so i would be quite happy if you guys could help me for that! Edit: Also, please, if anyone nice enough for the count, grab a very detailed staff if possible since they are bigger and tend to have couple details I really need a roof approximation to know how to build in consequence