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File Reviews posted by Shadow


       191    0

    Pretty neat map. Simple concept that looks great. I think the thing that impressed me the most was the water. It looks SOO GOOD. While there isn't a lot in the map, whatever it does, it does it well. The only thing about this map that I didn't like was the music choice which I feel shoud've been more peaceful, maybe taking from some of the themes Japanese soundtrack of Dragonball?. One knitpick, I feel we could've been allowed to go a bit further in the water without the invisible barrier. Just saying.

    It will be a fun map to play on with all the Dragonball models/skins that are available. I can see it being played in Duel/Power Duel mode if the map supports those gametypes.

    SC Island

       150    7

    I am unsure what to say about this...

    From the pointy ground, to the sun's lens flare having a visible box, to the sun being visible through the pointy ground... The trees have no mass and the water is too opaque and orange, making the water look more like orange jello, rather than the color of the water looking different due to the setting sun's reflection. The sand gets really jagged and pointy in certain places such as the corners. The forest get really buggy if you load it into SP as well.

    It is a neat concept however it feels like it is in it's concept stage rather than a completed map ready for submission to a competition. I hope to see improvements on the map in the future.

  1. Stone Cold: Gonna shoot some womprats!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Drink some beer!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Kill some reborn!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: **** Tavion!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Ride a rancor!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Eat some tacos!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Kill some Sith!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: Kill some Jedi!

    Crowd: Whaaaaat!!

    Stone Cold: And shoot some lightning!

    Stone Cold: And that's the bottom line... because Stone Cold said so!


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