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  1. #stopJJAbramskillingfranchise
  2. Дарова
  3. Thanks for rhis link. But I want to learn, how backhand animation take from km_backhand to Revan mod.
  4. HI all star wars fans. Came here for help. I play SWJA 10 years ago, and week ago, I dunload this game agan. Lock for all old sites, that is all died. So l want to ask moders, who can change animation from one mod to other?! Wery gratfull for help. Всем привет. Играл в Академию 10 лет назад. Решил снова установить и понеслась. Есть, кто может мне помочь, с переносом анимации одного мода в другой?! Заранее спасибо.
  5. Can someone tell me, how to transfer tfu animation from Ashoka to anather skin?
  6. Can use this combat style, without Galen skin?
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