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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Revenge of the Sith for the hood and then BF3 for the head.
  2. What PSP models? Ferroda is from Battlefront 3.
  3. I would but I don't have that model to port. Here's what I've got EU fans may remember this one. Not sure this one was worth posting, but it's a npc, or a player model if you want to be silly. This is just a head swap nothing special Link to all https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Misc%20Pack.zip
  4. I second this
  5. Here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Trask%20Ulgo.pk3
  6. Jeff

    Hello, hello!

    Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  7. I wouldn't remove them, they're still pretty good. Maybe just move them and name them original rough draft or something.
  8. Wedge didn't detach the cable.
  9. It doesn't matter what the model is called the BOT file reads from the saber file, did you even try it?
  10. Here's the Death Watch sniper rifle from CWA Replaces the disruptor https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Death%20Watch%20Sniper%20Rifle.pk3
  11. Thanks I didn't name either hand originally, both were named arm and in looking at the dark jedi same issue. Both files are updated and fixed, check my dropbox page to get both. Link is on page 1 of this thread.
  12. I'll get a fix for it. I rarely play SP so I never test models in SP just MP. Thanks for the info. Once I fix the Sith Master I'll fix the Dark Jedi as well. I'm not sure what you mean about TFU Ben, I never did him.
  13. I'm assuming the actual saber model isn't showing up then this should be your bot file { name "Sith Soldier" model sithsoldier color1 0 saber1 "Vibroblade" personality /botfiles/sithsoldier.jkb }
  14. Wouldn't look good, trust me on that, I've tried. The weighing process isn't the issue it's the fact that a single part of a model can only have 999 verts. These models are way too detailed to use anything other than a head, backpack, etc. The torso alone probably contains 10,000 verts by the time you reduce it down to under 1000 it gets deformed and ugly. Just the head and backpack are from BF the rest is varios JA assets. That's not the issue see top of this post.
  15. And what are you going to do when certain # of bots are reached (I believe 75 is the max) and other issues like to many vehicles (16 max). Not too mention many shader files are named the same which would cause alot of issues.
  16. Sorry I kinda lost track of this one, thanks for reminding me. Download https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Sith%20Master.pk3
  17. @ I'm guessing these lines are your problem FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABERTHROW 5 They can't be anymore than 3
  18. Post your NPC file and I'll take a look. It works fine for me.
  19. He's got to many verts for SP, and if I reduce them even more he'll look even worse than he already does. OpenJK is probably all that will fix it.
  20. Here you go https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Imperial%20Technican.pk3
  21. Did this one today DL https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Rebel%20Soldier.pk3
  22. I made him a while ago and and that point in time could only weigh heads. I at some point plan on doing the whole model. The sith guys I'll do as well. I might touch up the Kanaan I have with some parts of this but I want to keep him in a realistic style. I personally don't care for the animated stuff.
  23. Updated, thanks for the heads up.
  24. First page updated with link to my dropbox page.
  25. I may just put a link to my dropbox account. Not atm He should work as a npc. Arcann is already done check this thread. I may do Thexan at some point.
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