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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I get what your saying, I've already made the cut. I just need to find time to work on custom models. I could do that. I was just giving examples, the TFU guy really doesn't bother me. It's the little shits claiming credit for individual models.
  2. All this is fine, I have no problem with it, I guess my point is this, we are seeing a ton of requests and not much in the way of WIP pics or updates.
  3. If it were just not giving credit I wouldn't say anything, but when your claiming stuff as your own or making it seem that way, well that's crossed the line IMO.
  4. I think he means, this seems like a mod that just asks for everyone else to do stuff. I mean in the end what does this mod do besides collect everything in one place? What's the new content it brings?
  5. The thing that bothers me to no end is this, I wouldn't even care if they didn't ask for permission, hell I wouldn't even bitch about not being credited, but in the past week, I found one guy who wrote how proud he was of a model (Valkorie) and the other is releasing another model on it's own (BB-8). Then I look at a mod for the force unleashed and it's showing ports from myself, @@Seven, and Lt. Claim. The models he showing off has absolutely nothing to do with the force unleashed, it's just a showcase for a bunch of models he had nothing to do with. The guy with the Valkorie model, I commented on his page, his response was ..."don't worry you'll be credited." I won't even bother reporting them to the site, it's not worth my time in the end. Edit: I just saw the Battlefront mod (for Jedi Academy) and the creator did provide credit, so at least some of them are honest.
  6. The DL links have been removed I'm tired of going onto Mod DB and seeing my stuff everywhere, with no credit, and half of them claiming they made it.
  7. Followed by a big berp.
  8. Yeah what @ said the jpg name alone is probably too long.
  9. Even Boba Fett has got to admire the Sarlaac. Awesome job man.
  10. I always felt like the marine didn't fit with the group of clones in the game anyways, it always bothered me.
  11. Your welcome
  12. Yeah it's on my dropbox page in the pack Jeff's Junk
  13. I usually do. But it's worse with the mouse and keyboard.
  14. Yeah I grew up with a controller and have never mastered playing with keyboard and mouse.
  15. As far as a controller I use a xbox 360 controller and I use Joy2key to map the buttons. Really works just like playing on the XBOX.
  16. Thanks I'll probably go this route then.
  17. Anyone here play JA on your TV? I just got a new smart TV so I could play the game from a laptop and put it on the TV. My question is does the quality of screen resolution decrease with this, I'm in need of either a new PC or laptop (which I may purchase this weekend) and I would just go with the laptop if the screen resolution stays the same on the TV.
  18. Do you think that by saying No Offense it makes your statement OK. This is why your request will never get accepted. Anyone who could make what your requesting looks at that statement and says not gonna touch that.
  19. I've seen a lot of shit on that sight that they are taking full credit for, and it's ports or kitbashes I did myself. This is half the reason I'm done with posting anything. I never care if you use it, but for God's sake don't claim it as your own. Also the page you referenced has the Jedi Hunter skin I did a long time ago.
  20. That's what I'm starting with. Just gotta come up with one to do. Not at all. I've done my fair share of ports I think it's just the requests are getting tiresome and old.
  21. I'm always happy to see people learn how to do something on their own and to those (like yourself) that have, that's a great thing. Even if it's something small like learning to skin, it makes a big difference instead of constantly asking someone else to do it for you. I'm always willing to help someone learn something as long as they put effort into it.
  22. I'm probably the pot calling the kettle black, but yeah the ports are outta fucking control.
  23. To everyone who reads this thread. I might just be tired from work, but from here on I'm not taking requests. I get home and have to answer posts, respond to PM's about this model or that model (some of which I never did nor care about). I'm probably not going to post anything as far as links or pics to download. It's for three reasons really #1. Talented modelers (much better than myself) are getting annoyed by the ports and kit-bashes and I agree with them. They put a lot more time and effort into what they do and a lot of you take it for granted. So thanks too the few modelers we have left and I'm sorry if I contributed to the problem, that was never my intention. #2 I'm just sick of the constant headache that comes from all of this. It's not anyone in particular but the sum of it all is too much. #3 I'm going to attempt to model from scratch. Kit-bashing and porting have taught me the basics and now it's time to fail, fail again, and keep failing till I get it right.
  24. Very nice, is this the saber for A'shard Hett or whatever his name is? Anyways great job as always.
  25. Are you wanting this model or are you referring to the one I did earlier? Because that one has a realistic head.
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