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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Another TOR guy https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Jedi%20Battlelord.pk3
  2. It's Bera Kazan from the 2002 Clone Wars video game.
  3. I got an itch so this happened
  4. The more you guys hound him about where is this and where is that, the less you'll see done. He doesn't have to explain anything, if you put this much effort into learning to do this yourselves you'd be pros at it.
  5. What about the Pike syndicate?
  6. I have little desire to put the time in required to do this. It's a vehicle that is huge, what map could you even use it in?
  7. Thanks, and yeah I want to keep them in the theme of TOR as much as possible.
  8. Enjoy Link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Kubaz.pk3
  9. I was thinking more TOR bodies and there's plenty in this thread. Yes why?
  10. If anyone's interested, I've got a few heads from TOR with no bodies. They are as follows -Abyssin -Anomid -Kitonak -Klatooinian -Kubaz -Neimoidian -Nikto I'm looking for some bodies to place them on. I don't want to make a new body, so something that's already finished. If I like an idea I will do it. I'd prefer to keep them in a TOR fashion but I may make exceptions.
  11. Your welcome.
  12. No I haven't done him.
  13. Like a ponytail. Why not just DL it and take a look?
  14. Post your botfile here and I'll show you how. But here's the jist of it. {name "Alora"model aloracolor1 0color2 0saber1 "single_4"saber2 "single_4"personality /botfiles/Alora.jkb} color1=the color of the first saber and color 2 is the color of the second saber. The colors are0=red1=yellow2=orange3=green4=blue5=purple Then if you want to change the saber replace "single_4" with the name of the saber you want.
  15. Are you wanting this for a BOT (Multi-player) or NPC (Single-player)?
  16. Gonna have to be a little more specific.
  17. I tried to find a piece from somewhere for the arm braces, but couldn't if you have any ideas let me know and I'll add them. As far as the cloak I matched it to the screens you posted.
  18. Here's what I did DL: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Lord%20Kallig.pk3
  19. Lt. Claim did this one, I think it's the guy your looking for. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Sith%20Marauder.pk3
  20. I may get to these at some point, but I just had my hard drive die, and I lost everything I had. It's hard to get motivated after losing so much stuff.
  21. Do you have a better image? That one doesn't show me much.
  22. He's already made, check this thread.
  23. That's just the outfit.
  24. I didn't see it either, till the second look. But that's still a dick move.
  25. It looks that way because it is. I had to texture that thing so I recognize it. Just another douche taking credit I guess.
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