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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
  • Operating System
    Win 7

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    Long awaited and worth it, beautiful work done my angel modder and those that helped him in the community as always looking forward to seeing more work in the future will be using this map on our server for sure!
  1. Thanks guys setting the distancecull on worldspawn took care of the problem
  2. Thanks I will give that a try and see if it fixes and will post back on here if it does or doesnt
  3. it only does this when i load the map ingame
  4. if anyone has a solution to this i would greatly appreciate the help i am working on a map that has a large open space to allow for players to freely fly ships around in the map with a complex for players to go in but when near the complex the textures around the building causes a some what tracer effect when looking around and past the building as if its glitching the texture due the outer map wall / boundaries being too far away. anyone else ever had this problem?
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