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Everything posted by MusicForThePiano

  1. Thanks fellas, glad you like it! Always more to come, just in good time.
  2. Decided to spice up an old mod, I realize that i may not be able to upload it here to the forum when completed, but it will be available on dropbox. I always thought this mod was a genius idea to follow the dark-side ending of JA, however, all the clone-wars era models and textures bothered me, coupled with parts of the planet looking more like tatooine and bespin than yavin. So I decided to do an overhaul. All models and creatures are now from the OT, SOTE, (and a little KOTOR) with the exception of some of the animals. All textures have been modified to look more Yavinesque. The final parts of the mod on the planet Hypori have also been retextured, as well as the sith command ship orbiting the planet. I wanted to give a feeling of co-location with the two levels, the ship in orbit featuring a skybox that looked like the same planet skybox from the ground level. Also, many kudos to my help on the new yavin IV skybox from some of the modders here, you will all be credited in the release There will be new music, new menus and sound effects and such too, still working on that. Now if only I could get rid of the shitty voice-acting lol. Let me know if anyone is interested in helping out with this, I could get it done by myself soon, but I think other ideas and skills could help my plan happen better too. Here are some screens of the finished textures (I'm not showing all because I want it to be a surprise for those who download it and experience it themselves!):
  3. So I am doing a huge project on reskinning and re-modeling the Escape Yavin IV mod. I have replaced all of the textures so far, as well as changed all of the player models to only OT-era characters, including many alien types. I will also be changing all of the music as my next step. However, I'm encountering an issue specifically when trying to load the maps under their new textures. All of the textures have the same dimensions, some have been scaled up or down for better texture detail. Here's how I dissected the ey4.pk3: I made a folder called assets editor and put everything in there from ey4, The issue is that when I transfer the texture folder with all the new textures to the pk3, it won't allow me to overwrite them because it already has an existing folder named textures so naturally I deleted the folder in the original ey4.pk3, then copied the new textures folder (which is basically the same as the old one just with new images), it loads in there thats fine now when I boot up JK3 with the modified ey4.pk3 in the base folder, the escape yavin IV mod doesn't work, the levels won't load, the menu isn't there, ditto, nothing works. It's like having a vestigial pk3 in the base that doesn't do anything, all I have is the plain old boring vanilla base game. Why does it not accept the textures folder? It accepts the models and ext_data folders so that I made new models for all existing npcs in the mod but it will not load with new textures, please help.
  4. Very nice man, thanks a bunch! You got the size more accurate than Boothand, but they're both great interpretations.The only thing I would try to add would be to somehow get it behind the cloud layer, it's not easily possible given the cloudy nature of the background, but everytime I try it in GIMP it just either makes it transparent or puts fog renders on it that don't look like part of the original background.
  5. Damn you beat me to it lol, I just spent a whole hour doing GIMP blending and still couldn't get it to be as nice as that!, hey JAWS can you take what he did and do what you said should be done to it?
  6. Oh and not the whole planet, just like the upper half cut to fit behind the ridgeline towards the right side of the box, so yes the planet will be shrunken when superimposed onto the jungle backdrop
  7. Hey, I really need some help here, I'm trying to make a new yavin IV skybox and I found the perfect jungle template. I also found a good image of a red gas giant planet that will stand in for the yavin planet, from the perspective of being on the fourth moon. I tried to cut the planet out to fit above the treeline in GIMP but the issue is that there are clouds in the atmosphere, which would not be behind a planet, so I don't know how to get the image so that the planet can be seen through the clouds. Can anyone help me with this? Here is the jungle backdrop that i want to superimpose the planet in the background of: and here is the still of the red gas giant:
  8. What about the Slave2 ? Or a Slave 1 with an actual interior, never seen one of those in game.
  9. I've found a couple of different yavin skyboxes but I'm trying to make one that's HD that replaces the boring JK3 one. Something more along the lines of the mcquarrie concept art Or one with just really good depth perception, treeline in the foreground, temples in the background, the red gas giant of yavin looming in the sky, clouds, preferably daytime.
  10. Outrider please, can't get enough of it. The model is on Jeff's WIP's if you want to download it, or use the one from DR Resurgance. Falcon is overused, Ebonhawk is overused. Otana isn't cool enough.
  11. The mod that this is for is called Jedi Academy Remastered, my own version, I don't mean that the levelshots themselves were remastered.
  12. Wow sweet man haha that's awesome! Great job and I like your interpretation of the scenery. Looks like Ruusan yeah?
  13. Everything was played and recorded. Each song 'cue' was recorded separately, and all put together post-recording. I have exported the songs into midi form but it takes a lot to clean up a midi from an inline audio recording. For the parts that seem rushed, I want you to compare that part with the original Williams piece side by side and see if one goes on longer than the other, as far as I know there may be just two of mine that was played faster than his. Thanks for the feedback so far, I just want to share this with as many SW fans and other musicians as possible. The emphasis for musicians and technical people is on the transcription itself. I had so much fun playing these too, especially composing my own music inspired by Williams and McNeely for the filler scenes that were left without music. Interestingly enough, this only happened in ANH and for some brief scenes in ROTJ, TESB originally had every second covered with music. SOTE I had to put a bunch of filler music to capture the scenes not covered in score by McNeely. As for the 2 KOTOR's, Sleheyron was never finished and I don't like music designed for one place being used repetitiously in another when there is always room for creation of something new.
  14. I would start the level then freeze the npc's put notarget on, noclip around the map and spawn them then go back to the start and save it to a hot key that when you load the level you just press a key and it reloads with all the new stuff. It works for like half the levels, the other half automatically freeze and crash everytime I load it with NPC's. For example, yavin1b and yavin2 load just fine, but t1_sour will crash on the reload if there is just one extra npc in there. However, if I go throughout a level and spawn them then go back to the start and unfreeze all, I can usually play through each level without any issues or crashing, its just the loading / re-loading part that crashes everything. I would much prefer being able to access the SP maps and just put spawn points for the type of NPC's I'm adding: i.e. civilians, more creatures, vehicles, enemies, friendlies, droids, etc But I have no idea how to do that and I've tried editing / decompiling and its just a horrid mess of code that I don't know what to do with. It makes the SP campaign much more fun on a playthrough, I will say, very fun, and more difficult too. No more easy JA that's for sure.
  15. Where can I see a video on how to do entity modding? I really want to implement the NPC's that I've done into the SP levels pre-loaded so I don't have to rely on saves to play what I've made.
  16. Have you tested these out on animal NPC's? Would CLASS_FISH work for an underwater enemy. I want to make dianogas be underwater and not drown so I figured that to avoid the gurp sound I could give them this class.
  17. Thanks, yes I recorded on a standard 88-key digital upright, with full weight and sensitivity of the keys, it has USB plugins that I connect to my hard drive and record with several programs, for in-line. For Kreia's fall, it's the same time as the song, if you compare them side by side. The transitions sometimes are done faster because they're nearly impossible to do slowly without sounding different. It's like this for many songs. I recommend you listen to pieces that have never been done before on the piano, like "Lair of the Rancor" and "Sarlacc Battle / Pit of Carkoon" as well as all the Bespin action themes, those were some of my favorite to play, and man were they not easy. I did thousands of takes until I got the music sounding like the original pieces.
  18. So my username is basically my youtube channel, where I put some of my real work. I have not networked that much over the past few years due to a difficult job that requires me to travel for specific purposes only, but I plan to reach out to more people. I have recreated all three of John Williams original scores on the piano for the trilogy, and I have also done three more projects of interest, all done over in piano: Star Wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzpDNKrWsZE&t The Empire Strikes Back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxria9L-2BI&t Return Of The Jedi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnvwRAU_z5I Shadows Of The Empire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3mQX-HD5JM Knights Of The Old Republic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gv_-iAZZIQ&t Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3grDwHatYxo&t https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTU-AfZqvLiCl0lgKlyk4w/videos Let me know what you think. Complaints, criticisms, suggestions, I'm open to anything. Most of all these projects are for die-hard fans like myself, and for those who also wish to learn how to play or mess around with all the melodies.
  19. Maybe you could make one of this shot I took years ago Darth Bane versus a female mandalorian jedi
  20. Are the models that you use here going to be released for the community? That hutt model is fantastic.
  21. Yeah lol, I guess I meant to call it something else. The only thing truly remastered is the SP campaign, and it's just in terms of textures music models sounds effects all in one etc. The levelshots look better in-game.
  22. So I finished my modification of JASP, however, the amount of NPC's in the map makes my game crash literally every time. Is there anyway to circumnavigate this? Does it work better in OpenJK with a lot more NPC's?
  23. 258 downloads

    This is a part of my overhaul of base JA, I did the levelshots to each stage with corresponding artwork from the late Ralph McQuarrie, who worked on concept art for the original movies in such a way that impacted their final aesthetic outcome. This is my tribute to him for JA, as I think that his wonderful work should be seen by more eyes. I've also updated the levelshots for the multiplayer levels as well. Enjoy! Put this together last weekend.
  24. It's one of Mcquarrie's original models for the x-wing, but more similar to a z-95. I guess it's just not that popular.
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