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Everything posted by Mog

  1. I think I'm gonna enjoy this mod. <--- Is a big fan of the Mass Effect series
  2. I thought we had a previous topic concerning this?
  3. Mog


    Welcome to the Hub.
  4. A new article on Mog's Blog is now available:http://mogblog.jkhub.org/wikis-gods-and-old-farts/ . Catch up on the what's what!

  5. I don't do that much downloading for JKA, namely cause there isn't any models that I like. That being said, I do like to download models that I like (including custom moogle skins that makes the furry in me excited).
  6. It's kinda like what LA did with Battlefront 3. They changed it to "Elite Squadron" and made what could have been the greatest game ever, into the most shittiest game in the series (Renegade Squadron doesn't even compare now)
  7. My contact information is now available on Mog's Blog:http://mogblog.jkhub.org/want-to-contact-me/ . Go crazy.

    1. CrimsonStrife



  8. Mog


    Welcome to the Hub.
  9. Sorry for the delay, but a new article on Mog's Blog is now available: http://mogblog.jkhub.org/the-jk-sequel-debate-to-be-or-not-to-be/ . The debate...continues!

  10. Then look at it this way: Raven Studios looks as if they are busy with the CoD franchise. Also, keep in mind they lost interest with JKA and stopped supporting the game (though servers exist, obviously) LucusArts is planning to release other games that will bring them income, and what's interesting is that the majority of gamers are looking for a FPS feeling to Star Wars rather then JKA's "slash&clash" feel (why The Force Unleashed was considered unpopular) If that list is legit and there was a proposed "JK3", then it would most likely was cancelled due to lack of interest. (SWBF3 was the same deal, it was announced, but the company lost interest in it's development and released a watered down version to the PSP) When I said that Raven Studios "no longer exist", I meant that they no longer wish to associate themselves with the Star Wars franchise, cause their association with CoD is earning them more money. Also, the new game that Obsidian wants to develop I believe is to be related to The Old Republic, not to JKA. (I call DLC). EDIT: Raven did help develop it, btw. They gave up the rights to JKA because they wanted to move on to other projects. The list is from 2 years ago. If they had planned to announce a sequel to JKA, they would have released it by now.
  11. A sequel to the JK series will never happen, for 2 reasons: 1. Raven Studios, the ones who were in charge of the series, no longer exists. 2. LucusArts doesn't see a reason to make a sequel. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but I suspect that the page is not entirely correct. Also Jedi Academy is JK3. It's the third in the JK series, and it has been for quite awhile.
  12. I might be posting a new article for Mog's Blog tonight or tomorrow. The workload I am currently dealing with is grade A butthurt.

  13. Despite the metro look and what not, Windows 8 was actually quite successful.
  14. A new post on Mog's Blog is now avalible: http://mogblog.jkhub.org/the-many-trolls-of-jka/ . Have a nice laugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mog


      You.....I like you.

    3. CaptainChar


      But the best trollin comes at others expense, remember these words well, for it will give you great lulz in the future

    4. MagSul


      It bothers me that I can provide an example for each and every one of those.

  15. Not that I listen to the in game audio anyhow (uses walkman instead)...it's a nice tweek to know.
  16. Mog


    Welcome to the Hub
  17. A new post on Mog's Blog is now available: http://mogblog.jkhub.org/ja-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/ .Have at it, lads!

    1. MagSul


      Intriguing. I've always looked at JA+ as being the standard rather than Base for a long time, and I don't even use it.

  18. Apparently, the file doesn't exist.
  19. A new article on Mog's Blog has been posted. Read up:http://mogblog.jkhub.org/skin-exploits-oh-whats-that-weird-ski-crash/

    1. MagSul


      So far, I've not seen this issue myself. Hopefully, I'll never have to, either.

  20. Exams are done! Yay!

  21. Welcome to the Hub, Carbon.
  22. That's alot of text. Anyways...I'm glad you're very passionate about JKA.
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