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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Oh, so the decompile didn't "de-compile" everything, some things are still in "compiled" form, amirite? EDIT: Anyone want to re-write Dehaveb so it pwns and makes me have to do no werk?
  2. I just fixed it. Now that same script stops at block 6 saying there's a command line error at affect ( "pillar", 56 ). It just says syntax error, identifier not found.
  3. So basically decompiled scripts are practically useless? Here's a script: When I try to compile it, it just says "Could not spawn C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\Desktop\Folders\JAMP SDK (old version)\Tools\BehavEd and DEvaheb!". Not to mention upon loading the script it gives 72 errors just from reading it. Well I think something is wrong on my end, I just tried to compile a raven .icarus file and it didn't work.
  4. So, I know you can use Dehaveb to decompile compiled icarus script (.ibi) files. And I've done it before. The only problem is recompiling them. It never works for me. Any suggestions? Note: I'm not trying to steal anyone's work or anything, I'm just doing some flow editing for the SP maps I'm melding into my mod that do not belong to me nor do I take any credit for.
  5. I can with helpusobi 1. I can't control the game wigging out though because I'm trying to save them between sessions.
  6. ^Doesn't work. OpenJK seems to have fixed it though. I'm happeh.
  7. So, I think the problem is this simple: JA doesn't like being forced to remember cheat-protected cvars or cvars that aren't loaded by the main menu (g_saberautoaim is loaded ingame) by seta commands and what not under certain circumstances.
  8. Now it's doing it again... EDIT: Seems that I have to remove both the commands pertaining to g_saberautoaim and r_dynamicglowintensity from the config. Part of the reason for the .cfg not working was I left a copy in one of my .pk3s that had those commands and would exec along with the config that didn't?
  9. So I've isolated the problem to these two lines in my initialize.cfg: seta ui_saberautoaim "seta g_saberautoaim 1"vstr ui_saberautoaim Everything else works fine. Why? This whole time, it's really been just these two fracking lines of script causing ALL my problems? Heh. Must be some hardcoded cvar value conflict. Either way, it really disturbs me something so small could cause so much trouble.
  10. How would I do that? I know how to save a .txt as a .bat file but what would I write in it exactly? EDIT: Can I make a .bat file that just runs JASP? I've been using a custom shortcut for adding command line commands to the game but I haven't gotten anywhere.
  11. I'm pretty sure +safe is being added to the game's command line or something. Anyway I can get at that?
  12. That's not a cvar; I already tried . And like I said it's for mah menu items. A menu item that operates using ui_glowintensity won't work right if ui_glowintensity doesn't exist. I need to set it first. And I've tried everything now just short of using OpenJK. I tried reinstalling the game, setting the jaconfig as read-only (which the game still deleted it and made a new one with all the defaults), and I don't know what else to do.
  13. Says unknown command in the main menu, and no response ingame for typing safe. And vstrs do save under certain circumstances. All the stuff in the script is so certain menu items relying on those cvars displays correctly. The bob thing on the end is just a test variable I left in to see if I could figure out what was causing this. Also, in the topic actually, I'm not sure if cvar_restart_f is what the game calls. It's actually in the check for com_safemode in the code where it says about a "cvar_restart" somewhere, which I mixed up. Cvar_restart_f is just the coding for the command I think.
  14. Well, that's the one thing I aint done. Nevertheless this bug should be fixed if possible. I posted a new topic in the coding section as I'm pretty sure now this is some sort of code issue. Again, it only happens with the initialize.cfg being exec'd by me in game. But I can't find a specific reason for it. I took out the cheat protected cvars so that wasn't what was freaking the game out. Pretty sure it's a bug. I'll reinstall and see if that helps.
  15. Um, so I've been having this problem. I have no code mods at all on my JASP, no OpenJK, no nothing. But as I've said in this topic (http://jkhub.org/topic/2326-my-jaconfig-hates-me-it-keeps-resetting/), I have this problem: Everytime I exec my initialize.cfg ingame, and load a savegame or devmap (I have to do this or it won't reset), once I exit, on the next session a cvar_restart is triggered upon the game launching and everything is gone, from my user-set cvars to my video settings and my controls. At least I'm almost positive this is what is happening. Here's what the initialize config looks like: I thought maybe it was an issue with the r_dynamicglowintensity which is a cheat-protected cvar, but after taking that out I still had the same problems. The main things I've found in the code are this cvar_restart_f, and the console command ingame called cvar_restart. Visual Studio was showing that no calls are made to the cvar_restart_f function from nowhere else in the code, so I can't figure out what's causing this. The only thing it checks for in it's declaration/definition or whatever in the cvar.cpp is that it checks for "safe" on the command line to see if it should run (automatically?). I am NOT running the game in safe mode however, so unless the game is adding this to it's command line by itself or something, so that shouldn't be what's happening.
  16. After looking through the code, I think the issue is a "cvar_restart" is being executed upon launching the game. No idea why though.
  17. Hmm. I've tried some more stuff, but nothing seems to affect it. I'm pretty convinced it's a code issue. I can have the game write and execute custom configs, but that only sets controls correctly and doesn't affect video settings, custom cvars, or any of that good stuff. It all goes back to the initialize.cfg, and then loading a game then exiting, and restarting. Can someone look through the SP code as it pertains to saving and remembering video/game settings and cvar values in between sessions? As well as anything that causes the jaconfig to be deleted/reset? Maybe there's a codeless fix to this, but I'm pretty much at a dead end as for what I can do.
  18. Oh no, you see, I even agree with that. It's just annoying I can be parried for touching their saber at any time. Like they should only be able to parry me when they're actually in defensive stance/blocking. I should be able to be blocked but not parried just by hitting their saber mid-swing or on the ground. It's a double-edged sword lol. What standing counter? You mean the manual block? If so, that was just a ghetto script I made that turned off autoblocking and turned on manual blocking for a second, and then would hit "+block", then undo everything all in like 1.5 seconds. Problem with it was the blocking anim is so slow the way it's coded. I need to edit the game code if I want to make it more useful.
  19. It's not that bad. Make the pictures a little brighter though.
  20. 1. Yeah that might be better. G_sabermovespeed works by reducing your movement speed only when you're swinging, which is the difference between that and g_speed. 3. What do you mean "more chance to get out"? Like, you wouldn't want to stay in range as much because you can't hack away for as long at a time? I could see that. Also, as far as .sab files go, I can't limit the max chain of a specific style per se. It'd have to be for all styles. Or else I need code edits. Red already has a max chain of 3 though so I don't think it's too bad. 4. Well a 125% saber damage isn't too bad. G_sabermorerealistic 1 makes it closer to around 175% or 200% I'd say. Also, a 25 % boost means I can make vibrosword enemies do 100% damage so it still feels like a good amount but sabers still do more. 5. Yeah ideally I'd change saber locks to be more like JK2, where you don't have super breaks (where if you win/lose it's a 1-hit KO). I'd rather that be something you can only do if the saber lock ends very quickly or you have a higher/lower saber offense level than the opponent. In JK2 saber locks were less annoying because they only led to staggers or disarms I think. 6. The problem with alwaysBlock is it makes it so you can block mid-swing and when you're knocked over. The main problem with this is the game makes no differentiation between blocks during those times and when you're actually guarding. It gets extremely annoying when hitting the saber of a downed enemy causes you to be staggered, or else I would use it. The way I sped things up was just changing animation speeds in the animations.cfg: - BOTH_K# anims are parry anims (where you knockaway/stagger an attacker, which is a saber defense 3 thing). The number says which style. 1 is all single saber styles (they all use the same anims), 6 and 7 are duals and staff. - BOTH_R# anims are the retract/recovery animation you have to do after a block of any kind. 1 is fast style. 2 is medium. 3 is strong. 4 is tavion? 5 is desann? 6 is duals, 7 is staff. - BOTH_V# anims are stagger anims when you attack and are parried. 1 is all single-saber styles and 6 and 7 are staff and duals. - BOTH_D# anims are the "you've been blocked" anims where your swing bounces off IIRC.
  21. On level 1 unless you have on some mods sabers shouldn't do any idle damage. They will damage during blocks or transitions however. On level 2 the damage and dismemberment is ramped up further I believe. On level 3 the damage is ridiculous and idle sabers are changed to do damage (and since idle sabers aren't "blocked", this leads to very cheap fighting).
  22. Lies. Dey already short enough. Oh hoho just try turning it up to 2 or 3. Each level racks up the damage even more.
  23. ^Huh. Yeah if I used g_sabermorerealistic I wouldn't take it past 1. I'd probably just scale damage up in the .sab files though. Maybe 25% about.
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