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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. It's crud like this that confuses me: if ( ent->NPC->rank >= RANK_COMMANDER ) {//commanders use alt-fire //ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } That's in NPC_spawn.cpp, and the only reference I can find related to commander ranks using alt-fire, but it's commented out, so I'm kind of baffled as to what makes Class_imperial NPCs at commander rank use alt-fire at all...
  2. @@eezstreet: Are you saying commander ranks pretty much regardless of class will use alt-fire? Gonna test that I guess...
  3. I'm guessing either it's either something in plain sight in the code that has some effect I'm not seeing or that is not immediately clear, or it is some indirect consequence of some seemingly unrelated coding that is probably really difficult to find... Either way, I'm guessing somewhere it has to come back to some "if g_spskill >= 2" somehow...
  4. So I tried to find where class_imperial gets it's alt-fire thing, but no direct references. Another indirect code thing? Ugh. @@eezstreet: I call on your superior programming knowledge.
  5. ^That's a good idea. While I would like this sort of thing externalized outside the code, as a temporary (assuming one day this may be fixable) fix I could just use specific classes. Like the Rodian gunner for example, I want him to use alt-fire, so maybe NPCs with class_rodian and an E11 will be coded to use alt-fire. EDIT: Maybe what happens in the code is something overrides the alt-fire script flag canceling it out. Icarus scripting and the alt-fire npc field seem to work in the same way, so the only difference that I imagine could happen is the "when" of when the game applies each to an NPC. Maybe there is some AI code that says "if this, use primary fire", and that's why I can't find anything, because it's not alt-fire that's being applied incorrectly but rather primary fire, so I should really be looking for wherever "primary fire" is coded in. Just a theory.
  6. Your defense gets worse on Jedi Knight difficulty and up in JA, but I can't figure out why after having scoured the code thoroughly at every reference to g_spskill. Your defensive ability gets slower and has longer cooldowns between deflections, but I can't find any referencing for this anywhere in the code specifically. Any one have any clues?
  7. Okay, sooo, I really want this to work, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Yeah yeah the icarus system is great and all for specific npcs in maps, but if I want one kind of NPC to always use alt-fire then it would be nice to be able to just set it in one spot in their .npc file instead of ent-modding it into every map :/
  8. No mercy! Seriously though Kyle is freakin brutal to those stormtroopers...
  9. Anyone have any feedback for the NPCs? Good, bad, the ugly?
  10. So, I'm playing with the NPC code a bit. I'm trying to decide how melee attacks should work with enemies. The idea is that certain enemies, if you get really close, will sock you with a punch and then go back to using their weapon normally. Or gun whack you. Or something. Then there's the problem of all this being difficult to code. Version I can code: Enemy switches to melee when you get very close, throws a punch, then switches back to their weapon and waits a second before doing it again. Kind of sloppy though, that they have to completely put away their weapon for a second. Sloppy visually, gameplay wise, and code wise. Ideal: The enemy would, weapon in one hand, throw a punch or claw with the other hand. Or do a gun whack. These both are completely novel code pieces though, and not simple new checks or pre-defined actions I can re-use. Ideas I had in mind: - some enemies (like Gran) use Heavy Melee, which are the slow power punches. Maybe these would do slightly less damage than now (30-40 damage on Jedi Knight), but be able to knock you down or have more knockback. (for doing so much damage they don't pack much physical punch) - some enemies would have a "claw" attack (Trandoshans, Chewie?) that maybe knocks down. Not sure how much different this would be from heavy punches though. - some enemies could use a gun whack, maybe depending on the weapon and the class? Bowcaster, imperial heavy repeater, I see. It would a good bit of damage and be quick enough to catch you off guard, but wouldn't knock down. Weequays I imagine with a bowcaster whack. Trandoshans with some combination heavy punching or a claw attack. Human Mercs because they're aggressive turds maybe throw a punch at you if you get too close. Right now I'm trying to make Grans with Thermal Dets (or Blaster Rifles) punch you up close even if you have your saber equipped and then quickly switch back to their weapon.
  11. ^Yeah I should do that. v1.1 of the NPCs mod should be up in the next day or so.
  12. Version v1.11


    This is an NPCs modification that will appear in some form in the SP mod called Dusty's Patch. Keep in mind, NPC HP listings are base HP values, which are increased usually based on game difficulty up to 150% on Jedi Knight difficulty (some NPCs aren't affected like some bosses, class_reborn, class_jedi). Aggression increases how quickly gunner NPCs start firing at you once alerted, and how likely they are to continue chasing after/searching for a lost player or other enemy. Two versions of the mod in here: Full, and Light full - has all the sabers made a hair longer and thicker (default 41 length and 3.25 radius as opposed to 40 length and 3 radius) and NPC specific sabers light - has only the .npc file mods and stat changes on a few sabers for NPCs but the sabers are not all modded and have the normal length and thickness generally Change List - Version History - Changes from v1.1 (this version being v1.11): - Fixed an issue where the player's model would always be a stormtrooper in cutscenes - Forgot to mention in previous versions that the single-wielder version of Alora (the version of her you fight on Hoth) had some of her stats boosted Changes from v1.0: - Increased Assassin Droid's aim stat from 2 to 4 (in base it was 1, forgot to mention this change in last version) - Human Merc and Trandoshan now have an Aggression of 4 instead of 3 (they were listed as having that in v1.0 but somehow it got lost and wasn't actually in) - Trandoshan had WP_MELEE removed as he was using that instead of WP_REPEATER - Force-user cultists all had evasion raised from 3 to 4. (Should probably really be 5) - Luke and Kyle had HP lowered to 600 from 800 and 700 respectively; the way the game is coded on Jedi Knight difficulty they both ended up still having upwards of 1000 HP (in coding I think I will make allied NPCs not get so much HP) - Chewie had his base HP lowered to 190 for similar reasons^ - Reborn Masters now have 250 HP instead of 300 - Rodian Sniper had HP lowered to 20 from 30 so that the E11 Rodian actually has more HP - Fixed some mis-statements in the description of NPC changes, like Weequay and Trandoshan aim not actually being improved, Boss Rosh's run speed, and other little things - Added the training hilt skin for saber_reborn aka the Stinger hilt, so now you won't get a null texture for Rosh's training hilt on the training course level Overview of Changes - NPC changes from Rancor's Fix: - Alora_dual is now using Alora2 skin. - Assassin_droid sound fixed . - Fixed Bartender, no longer weird dance. - Deleted Cultist Destroyer (Its just lack of animation, if you wanna keep him just delete Cultist_destroyer.npc from my *.pk3) - Imperial Commander is now using his own voice, no longer same as Imperial Officer - Deleted Jawa_Armed, he's weapon was never fully created, crashing game, no use of them. - Fixed Morgan Katarn, added him few force powers (no saber, he was forceuser not jedi). - Rebel and Rebel 2 are now using their own voice - Rebel 2 now have changed look to rebel pilot - Deleted duplicated Rebel2 in rebel.npc file - Fixed Remote to look like it should be looking. (Still glitchy... but sometimes usable) - Removed RocketTrooper_ver1 this is just scaled stormtrooper, game have another rockettrooper NPC, guess they forgot to delete it. - Tried to fix rocks NPC, it failed so they're deleted. No use of them. X Increased Rosh's hp to prevent him from killing himself while jumping over the river. -- (removed this, Rosh only has 80 hp now. He's fragile. Handle with care, or not.) - Deleted Test NPC. - Deleted duplicated STOfficerAlt - Changed Tusken Sniper ally and enemy side. Now they're like normal tusken FREE/FREE. - Fixed walk speed of nearly all NPC's. (I tweaked this slightly... see below) General changes to NPCs: - Walk speed for almost all NPCs increased to 100 from 55 (Rancor's mod originally had it at 120), only NPCs that are different are Kyle_boss, Rosh, Boba Fett, and some other NPCs - If using the full version, all saber lengths are increased and sabers are slightly thicker (this makes them do slightly more damage too) - In both versions, broken staff sabers now use the appropriate models - accuracy for NPCs is generally improved, with the lowest aim stats usually being 2 instead of 1 - some unused NPCs (unused in JA at least without spawning them) had stats improved (mostly aim), like Bespincop, rebel troopers - really skilled saberists and NPCs turn very fast, with yawspeeds of 160. Other Changes for individual NPCs: Alora - Single saber wielding variant had her stats raised slightly (the one you fight on Hoth). Assassin Droid - Aim stat increased from 1 to 4. Boba Fett - lowered run speed from 300 to 230 Chewie - Lowered HP from 400 to 190 and aim from 5 to 4. He's tough. Not perfect. Back him up. He'll end up having 270 HP on Jedi Knight difficulty and up. 190 HP is on Padawan. No idea why Raven made HP bonuses for difficulty apply to allied NPCs. (Erm, his HP may be wrong for this version - Dusty 1/30/2015) Cultist (gunner) - raised all stats from 1 to 2, aggression from 1 to 4. Jump 2 instead of 3, Speed 1 instead of 2. Cultists (force users) - Raised reactions from 1 to 3. Raised evasion from 3 to 4. Force regeneration time increased from 50 ms to 75 ms. Force max reduced from 200 to 150. Cultist (grip) - Added drain 1 to compensate for only having grip 2. Cultists (saber wielders, no force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased. Saber powers adjusted slightly. Pushes a tad harder in saber locks than in base JA. Still have short silly sabers. Cultists (saber wielders with force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased more so than standard saber cultists. Force push 2 instead of 1. Given full-length sabers. Pushes harder in saber locks than the lower level saber cultists. Desann - Saber shortened and slimmed a bit. Thought it was more realistic that way... just edit his saber back if you don't like it. Grans - Gran boxer has higher aggression. Gran shooter doesn't have supernatural aim now but still better than like 75% of NPCs. Human Merc - Increased aggression. Aim is 2 instead of 1 but still worse than most NPCs because of randomization. Imp officer - Improved aim to 4 from 3 Imp Worker - Improved aim from 1 to 2, but they still probably have the worst aim in the game. Runs slightly faster like Tie pilots compared to most NPCs. Impworker2 and Impworker3 now use the DEMP2 as their weapon (not sure if impworker3 is ever used in JA which is why I gave it to both) Jedi and J2 - Increased stats a bit. No more sub-par force points and regen time. Jedi_Random - All stats raised from 2 to 3. Some ranks increased probably. Some force power ranks increased. Slightly less terrible force point totals and regen time. Jedi Trainer - Slightly better force powers. Force max increased to 150. Jedi Master - Better force powers than a Jedi Trainer. 180 force max. 300 HP and boss-style damage reduction instead of 400 HP and no reduction like the Jedi trainer. Tougher and more skilled. Has some improved saber stats like Reborn Masters. Wipes the floor with them. Kyle - HP reduced from 1000 to 600. Just so you can't completely hang him out to dry. He has a modded saber now so he will wipe the floor with enemy saberists even more. Because of Raven's sloppy coding he still ends up with 900 hp on Jedi Knight difficulty though. Boss Kyle - HP is 300 which is the same as base JA I think. His saber has a break parry bonus now. He runs almost as fast as the player and walks very fast (140 speed). Has 200 force points now like normal Kyle. Let's face it, even when Kyle is holding back he's a beast. Luke - 800 HP now instead of 200. All stats except move are 5 (move doesn't do anything anyway). Has a modded saber. Noghri - runs a little slower, but slightly better aim. Rebel - HP reduced from 100 to 50 (thought it was out of proportion with stormtroopers and similar enemies). Aim improved from 1 to 2. Reborn (yellow) - raised stats from 1 to 2. Pushes ever so slightly harder in saber locks. Reborn Warriors (Red JA Reborns) - removed break parry bonus from single-wielder. Duals and staff ones get a lock and disarm bonus like the single wielder. Reborn Adepts (Blue JA Reborns) - Single saber wielder is now the green "Reborn Apprentice" visually but otherwise unchanged. The other 2 variants of these guys are blue, and wield either single or duals. They have less HP than the warriors, but more force powers, more force points (120), and have slightly more skill but less aggression Reborn Master - single wielding variant has a less cheap more normal sized saber now and has Tavion style. HP for all variants increased from 200 -> 250. Force points for all variants reduced from 200 to 150 and force regen time slowed from 50 ms to 75 ms Rodian - the E11 variant gets 25 HP. Sniper variant only gets 20 hp now instead of 30, but had his aim raised to 2 (snipers aim better but fire less rapidly at higher aim stats). Both variants run a bit faster than most NPCs. Rosh - 80 hp instead 100. Might lower it more. Don't let the howlers chew him up too much in the opening level (unless that sort of thing you find enjoyable...?). He uses a more realistic training saber now on the course that you can get too with cheats ("saber training" in console, ugh, now that I think about it I left out the silver stinger skin for this... might get a bad texture in game now) that does 1/2 damage. Boss Rosh - I think I raised his stats a little bit and made him use medium style instead of strong. Less gimmicky I felt like. Lowered his run speed from 300 to 250 (equal to the player, faster when he's running forwards and you're backpedaling) Stormtroopers/Snowtroopers - HP increased from 30 to 40. They aim very well but their aim is randomized with sloppy shots coming through here and there (aim stat 5, rank ensign). They alert more quickly, turn around a bit faster, and are more likely to duck than most standard enemies. Stormtrooper officers/commanders - Probably some of the best aiming NPCs, can't have their weapons pulled. Fires at a high rate of speed regardless of game difficulty (other NPCs only pick up speed once you ramp up the difficulty). Tie Pilot - Slightly better shot than a regular stormtrooper (Pilots have that intense focus and coordination rite?). Runs a bit faster too because he's less heavily equipped. Trandoshan - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 40 to 60. Model scaled up slightly (might have left that out by accident)? Runs a bit slower though than most enemies. (Ehm, they seem to be using wp_melee in this version, to fix it just delete the line giving them wp_melee from their .npc file, and they also seem to have 50 HP instead of 60 - Dusty 1/30/2015) Weequay - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 30 to 35. Runs slowly like Trandoshans.
  13. Fixed the crashes for my mod's code build :)

  14. Alright, just waiting for my 3rd approval, but once I get it, the NPCs mod should be available for download with a full change log on the page. What do you mean exactly? Do you mean showing off the mod, or showing myself working on it?
  15. So, I had an idea. To improve testing and feedback and just to let people see what the mod is about, I'm going to release the mod in in mini-mod pieces. The final version of course will be a full package assuming we/I get to that point eventually, but pieces of the mod (at least the non-code ones) I'll release individually so people can try out parts of the mod, give feedback, and just generally see what it's about. For example, in the next few days when I have time, I'm going to release the NPC edits portion of the mod, and call it something like "DP: SP NPCs v1" or something. And it will be purely NPC edits. And so on for other parts of the mod, and the parts will be able to be combined together or kept separate. Mini-mods to expect sometime soon: NPCsBonus Missions menuImproved menu optionsBase animation fixesNew lightning effectsSaber and player customization additions
  16. So per debugging apparently my crashes are caused by the fact that I dereferenced a null pointer somewhere... but am I really even using pointers? I know the "->" is a dereferencer but doesn't it also simply refer to struct values which is how I'm using it? The curious thing is that these crashes only happen on trying to load checkpoints. Everything else by and large seems fine at the moment...
  17. How do you use debugging in Visual Studio exactly? I know you're supposed to be able to see the values of variables in action for one... but that's about it. How do you track down problems? It intuitively doesn't make any sense to me at the moment... Thanks for any help good people of JK Hub!
  18. So, question, how does Jaden beat Kyle in the Dark Side ending? Does he just put up some sort of fight then gains an advantage? IIRC I think Kyle gets trapped under some rocks or something and then Jaden escapes?
  19. So, in my code, I can't find any logic issues. I've declared these variables in gentity_s in the file g_shared.h: //Timing variables, counters and debounce times float wait; float random; int delay; qboolean alt_fire; int count; int bounceCount; int fly_sound_debounce_time; // wind tunnel int painDebounceTime; int disconnectDebounceTime; int attackDebounceTime; int pushDebounceTime; int aimDebounceTime; int useDebounceTime; //new variables int saberReactivateTime; //time after something deactivates a saber for AI to turn it back on int breakLimit; int breakRecoveryTime; //how long left to recover a defense point int breakCounter; //keeping track of how many strong attacks the defender blocks in a //a short time period (I just pasted the whole area so you could see where I was starting, at line 666 (yes section of evil), only the last 4 variables are new) My variables only seem to need to be declared there as things like pushDebounceTime don't need anything to be referenced when it's used except simply having this line in g_shared.h
  20. So, I'll make this my official request: a reskin/remodel of the Guardian Staff hilt Something a bit more "evil" looking, or mechanical, austere, unfeeling, sort of like the Stinger hilts enemies use. Subtly so. I'd imagine it looking similar to the current guardian hilt, but maybe being darker colored, or having some sort of red/black sith-likeness to it. Maybe a slightly different model too.
  21. Loading checkpoints never works. I haven't been able to figure out why savegames themselves stop working sometimes. Maybe it's that I was trying to load the same save file the checkpoint is using which is obviously corrupted?
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