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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Thanks man
  2. No i meant when I said "still nothing" that I thought there were no takers on the request, I know it would take time for progress since there are tons of requests but I just wanted to keep the post active in the mean time and find out about any attempts. LOL I see what you did there XD
  3. Still nothing?
  4. Nice man, I cant wait to see! Judging by your other work, the models are gonna look amazing! 0_0
  5. Thanks but i was hoping for a higher quality model (already tried them XD) -The "Vong War Era Jacen" is amazing but i was hoping to get something like that, but with an extra Caedus skin
  6. Could i get the image for the background u used?
  7. Anyone willing to make a model of Darth Caedus? Am also interested in a lightside model of Jacen Solo (same model, different skin)
  8. OMG THANKS MAN! My friend has been wanting this for so long XD, hes hype now (How did you know this was for MBII?)
  9. So AuriusPheonix, how is the model making going? First request I've ever done on JK
  10. That would be amazing! The models for a friend who has been wanting Lana for a while now
  11. Hey I know SWTOR models can be hard to obtain/make! But is there anyone out there willing to tackle this?
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