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Files posted by Jashugan

  1. Clone Wars General Kenobi

    Hi Jedis, I'm back in the Star Wars universe to offer you my interpretation of Obi-Wan Kenobi, as can be seen in the clones wars, with his armor. In reality it is a model that I made a long time ago, perhaps in 2010, to a member of my clan, but that was too personal to be presented here.
    The operation was therefore to "Frankesteinise", with the head of the great model of HapSlash Obi-Wan on the model of the Commander Keller, whose author's identity remains unknown despite my researches. I also added elements from the Clone Ultima by Neomarz, or from the armor of Quinlan Vos model by Aaron Smith.
    Blue and Red armors come from Commander Keller keskins names TallahSoldier and Virconcisus; impossible to know who are the authors, but I thank them. Finally I've Created textures myself, and special shaders all around the armors with flashing lights.
    Original Obi-Wan Voices from the Psyk0sith SW Cartoon Model Pack.
    Just before I release this file, I've searched if there is already a General Kenobi Model. So, there is one, you can find here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2650-general-kenobi/ - by Jeff
    That's why I renamed this file "Clone Wars" General Kenobi.
    SP Mod support.


       (14 reviews)



  2. Shaï, the Cathar Jedi

    ROARRR! This is a reskin based on the "silver dragon" model by Manganiac.
    I have to explain: one of my friend in my team used to play a cathar jedi with the catz multiplayer model, but felt in love with the silver dragon model.
    He thought this model can be taken as a cathar jedi, with a mask (wich correspond very well to his role-play story in fact). I decided to reskin it for his pleasure and mine.
    Finally, the result is best than I thought at the beginning and it seems like a real cathar .
    I have only adapt the skin, change some textures colors and gave it new textures from tiger, panther, bear, jaguar, etc.
    I hope you'll have the same pleasure to play with that I had to make it. THe first version was made in 2008, updated in 2016.
    Shaders are home made .
    Check the readme file to know model list, and have fun.


       (5 reviews)



  3. Balthier

    Hi jedis! This is Balthier, one of the main characters in Final Fantasy XII . I'm not especially fan of mixing Star Wars universe with others. But this is a special ask of a friend of mine. So here I am!
    When he asked if someone could make a skin of Balthier, I thought of the human jedi model. With his jacquet, I thought it was appropriated, even if it's less about the face. So this is a reskin of the human jedi model.
    I hope you will enjoy wearing it because I had fun to make it; some textures are highly detailled, and there are sounds from the video game.
    Acces the readme file to know more about it, and have fun


       (5 reviews)



  4. Samurais And Ninjas (SAN pack)

    Hi Jedis! I'm back after a few years without JKA, to offer you this reskin of Jimesu_Evil model, a work I had done in 2009.
    It is a massive pack around samurais, ninjas and ronins, based on the model created by Jimesu_Evil; I tried to fully exploit the many opportunities offered by the original model.
    I think it's not too aged and I changed it very little to offer you today. I think you can have a good overview with the screenshots.
    Thank you to read the readme file where I tried to be thorough on what is in the pack.


       (6 reviews)



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