We've added a record feature to the server which literally records a demo for specified client or (all non-bots). Which means you get a demo from that clients perspective which is basically identical to the one they would generate locally with /record except you don't have to rely on them providing it. CMDS: /svrecord <filename> (optional client index) only works if auto demos are off. /svstoprecord (optional client index) USE WITH CAUTION: (Need lots of storage and probably upload to keep them off the main server itself) CVARS: sv_autoDemo - 0/1 Toggle (default off) auto demo recording of human players. sv_autoDemoBots - 0/1 If above is turned on, also record bots sv_autoDemoMaxMaps - Adjust how many maps, demos will be kept (default 0, probably should set if turning auto record on) Credits to teh 1337