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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. - Weapon models don't show up on kyle in 3rd/enemies. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/510 - Some NPC models are broken. See https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/510 for pictures. (Also Galak Fyarr's head is missing when hes speaking before closing the armor up to fight) - Yavin swamp area looks really bad due to different rendering code for weather presumably caused by bad alpha blends. - Possiblly still having Q_rsqrt NaNs on Linux. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/448 - UI code has lots of JKA stuff thats not really valid for JK2. Thus causing https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/512
  2. Any chance for a pull request on the modelscale stuff still? @@DT85
  3. FYI: Servers running OpenJK dedicated will have a g_humanplayers entry in the infoResponse when sending a getinfo request to it. Best bet would be to add bots count too or abuse a serverinfo cvar that stores the number of bots in mod code. Depending on type of filter you want specifically I guess.
  4. Should work with all versions afaik, pre 1.04 was all protocol 15 and protocol 16 for 1.04. According to code anyway.
  5. Except the master servers hosted by raven software are not going anywhere (The real ones, and the one clients use) Case closed. Yay more hate words against OpenJK. :wacko:
  6. You sure? in the void you just keep falling. And it doesn't wrap around.
  7. What the link is referring to is actual 64-bit version of the game which is not yet supported on windows. But as @@Xycaleth said, its perfectly fine to run the 32 bit version like most applications still are.
  8. Which 64-bit OS. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK#64-bit-support
  9. ensiform

    Nightlies Server

    Its not broken, Cat's buildbot MSVC slave is just running VS2010 which does not have a native inttypes.h (C99 header). And the custom one seems to not work for him yet.
  10. FYI Force Sun is cheat protected, meaning you can't use it on public servers.
  11. The core features probably will not change unless @SmileTheory implements them.
  12. Don't think thats the purpose of rend2. You could just make sure that it and surrounding area doesn't receive and cast shadows.
  13. It's not going to, xycaleth just thought it did.
  14. They aren't removed so much as not implemented, its what still has issues with the lightmap code afaik. -- I've disabled the surface sprite dumb rendering in rend2 for now. As in it pretends like r_surfaceSprites is set to 0. So you don't end up with grass strands just flat on the ground an such.
  15. There's no such thing... At best they're dlights which don't technically affect the lightmap And said lightstyle stuff is the reason for why lightmap crap is fubared still anyway.
  16. That's because the entire model would be in memory, your BSP size would be rather large too.
  17. ensiform

    Nightlies Server

    We don't have enough motivated manpower to support jk2mp just yet. And I'm thinking when we do, it will not come with binary compatibility out of the box. Mostly because we have no qvm support at all. If someone is willing to contribute in it in such a way that it works like we currently have josp set up, we would certainly not be against it. Will probably hold off until after a release.
  18. It generates a demo exactly how a client would. And can only be played on a client.
  19. We've added a record feature to the server which literally records a demo for specified client or (all non-bots). Which means you get a demo from that clients perspective which is basically identical to the one they would generate locally with /record except you don't have to rely on them providing it. CMDS: /svrecord <filename> (optional client index) only works if auto demos are off. /svstoprecord (optional client index) USE WITH CAUTION: (Need lots of storage and probably upload to keep them off the main server itself) CVARS: sv_autoDemo - 0/1 Toggle (default off) auto demo recording of human players. sv_autoDemoBots - 0/1 If above is turned on, also record bots sv_autoDemoMaxMaps - Adjust how many maps, demos will be kept (default 0, probably should set if turning auto record on) Credits to teh 1337
  20. And with misc_model ents you don't have to ship the md3 file with your pk3, with misc_model_static, you do.
  21. Sounds like a dumb thing to do instead of waiting for the actual rest of it to be fixed. JK2 has different options for this anyway.
  22. You have to build it yourself turning BuildJK2Support on otherwise com_jk2 is not even a thing. It should say in the console pretty early "Running Jedi Academy Mode" or "Running Jedi Outcast Mode" And you must make sure it doesn't try to load the jk2game that comes with jk2, you have to use the one that gets built.
  23. @@DT85, you'd know if surface sprites were implemented thats an entire feature ;p Fixing lightmaps fully and dynamic glow are on xyc's todo list I think for now... Surface sprites and weather require major rewrite because of how raven implemented them crappily with their own GL pipeline instead of the game's rendering.
  24. Fixed in https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/4457d2c112c04d0529e3d6f53b43849a9949b9f0 You need a fixed jampgame dll/so/dylib for the change to reflect. Which means running a mod such as JA+ (which doesn't contain fix) won't be fixable there. Any mods still in development like OpenJK's base-gamecode, JA++, and JAPro will probably incorporate the fix.
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