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Cloud Senatu

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Posts posted by Cloud Senatu

  1. Extract it to GameData and run the client executable.


    Okay, so I take it OpenJK doesn't run side-by-side with something like JA+ then?

    As I have my Steam setup to auto-start in JA+.. thought OpenJK ran along with it to help fix some things like that error with the config files.

  2. I love the idea of OpenJK, but I have a question...

    There's two sites that I know of;





    Now, the first one, when downloaded, gives me a OpenJK-master folder, with a bunch of stuff in it. Do I simply put that into my Gamedata, or do I put everything that's inside that folder into my Gamedata?

    Then, the second link.. gives me a couple files, and a folder "OpenJK" with a .pk3 in it.. are they completely seperate or what? Not really sure how exactly I'm supposed to go about installing this...

  3. This is so true and I am so glad it's finally happening.

    I know I personally am looking forward to TJA fully coming back once again and going strong.

    TJA was one of the first places that really started to get me to pick up my skill, and helped me even maturity wise.


    It'll be fun to get with everyone again. So please, everyone come on by and let's make TJA alive again!

    MrDJSilva likes this
  4. No no no no no...

    Disney bought LucasFilm, not LucasArts

    Where exactly did you hear that?



    Disney said on Tuesday that it will acquire the entirety of George Lucas' privately-owned Lucasfilm Ltd. -- including its video game publishing imprint, LucasArts -- for $4.05 billion in cash and stocks.


    The deal includes not only Star Wars but also other businesses operated by Lucasfilm, including LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound. Disney said the current plan is for Lucasfilm employees to remain in their current locations.


    Disney is continuing its quest for global domination of the entertainment industry by announcing that it has bought out Lucasfilm -- including the studio's game developing branch, LucasArts -- for $4.05 billion US.

    I can go on and on.. but I think this is enough to prove that LucasFilm and LucastArts are owned by Disney now.
    Setlec likes this
  5. Just figured I'd say.. that with Disney owning Star Wars now its actually more likely we'll see a new Jedi Knight game.

    Its more likely someone at Disney grew up on the games, but there's no proof of that sadly.

    Also, whether the image is fake or not I'll still wait for a new Jedi Knight game.. hope for the best, expect the worst.


    As for JKA being considered JK3.. it really shouldn't be. If anything, Jedi Academy is an expansion of Jedi Outcast.

    Though I must say.. if they come out with a new one, it'll most likely not be as easy to mod. :/

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