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Cloud Senatu

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Posts posted by Cloud Senatu

  1. Which ring? You mean the teal/cyan one? Its just one piece, and I more added it there for the Max view, probably won't put it on the actual lightsaber.

    As for the tutorials.. I've been looking for them, but every one I've followed, its ended poorly...real poorly.


    I had no issues with doing the UV Mapping in Gmax, but its different in 3DS Max apparently.

    Because I go to select the face/edge, and when I go to the edit in Unwrapping, I would normally select the vertex to move the part I've highlighted.

    However in 3DS Max I can't seem to find how to select the individual vertex like I used to in Gmax..

  2. Well, first time posting in a little while.. sorry about that guys! Just been too busy.

    Anyways the other night I got some free time and started work on my first saber hilt in a couple years.

    I've gotten the design created, however I've ran into an issue....UVMapping doesn't seem to be the same in 3DS Max as it was in Gmax.

    So, I'm having issues UVMapping my hilt in order to start working on the textures.


    I tried finding a tutorial, but all of the ones I've currently found hasn't worked. I've followed them step by step, yet get a really screwed up UVMapping.

    So I was wondering if there's any specific way anyone here UVMap's a hilt in 3DS Max?






  3. Yeah see, the issue is that not every Author can currently be contacted, and some of those files people would like to have but can't download.

    So having a topic such as this for those is a wise idea. Because I don't think we'll be able to contact every Author out there.

    Though I think all the discussion is probably starting to take away from the whole purpose of the topic? But that's just me :P

  4. Well, I can understand what you're speaking about MUG.

    This is a forum, meant for discussions... however!

    With that being said.. this was designed for a specific reason, and the discussions being placed are a side-track from it.

    Discussions that are personally directed at the topic at hand is one thing, but outside of that is...a distraction.

    Much like this post I'm doing now, but eh..

    Link likes this
  5. Honestly, SiLink, I'm quite happy to see JAWA doing this.

    JAWA is one of the clans that's been around for years and still going strong.

    The idea that you're willingly helping new clans get onto their feet is a very selfless act.


    So this is truly awesome, and again I think every new clan that starts out that reaches out to JAWA is very thankful.

  6. Yes its true, I'm back haha.. sorry I haven't been around everyone!

    I found myself kind of busy dealing with other things in my life, and I just never bothered to get on here.

    However I finally am not busy anymore and so I'm back around...let's see for how long ;)

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