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  • Pronouns
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  • Location
    Central California
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
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  • Operating System
    Mac OS-X

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  1. I have an oddly specific question. When and where exactly are the "warning4" and "warning5" sound files used? I thought they'd be for the activation and deactivation of the detention turrets, but no…
  2. Could the particle count limit be raised? Right now, it's very restrictive, and it seems the particle render system isn't very well optimized. (My GTX 750 Ti SC still lags if there's too much smoke, which to me says it's the engine, not he hardware.) I would be nice to be able to use something like the Authentics effects without the third or fourth explosion being invisible. EDIT: Or is this more of a Rend2 thing?
  3. HI! I've been playing Academy since not long after it came out, and frequented JK3Files for years. In more recent years, I drifted away, playing mostly other games. But now I'm back, still loving Academy, and looking into getting into modding seriously myself. As for who I am, and what I've done to be noteworthy... My identity is complicated, and the thing I'm most proud of creating is this. (Link because site doesn't allow me to post a 12KB *.png) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Fiib-cuCD2VlZSUmV3bmstcFE/view?usp=sharing If you have no idea what it is, don't worry. It generally takes a long time and lots of thought for people to figure it out. But it is possible to figure it out, and that's why it's special. (That little bit in the bottom left isn't part of it; that's just my signature.) ​Anyway… Hi, everyone!
  4. HI! I'm a long-time Academy player and casual modder who's thinking about getting into mapping. But one question that's bothered me for a while is… what is the conversion scale of GTKRadiant/in-game units to real-life measurements? The best estimate I've been able to come up with is 42 units per meter, based on the length of a T-65 X-Wing. It to me like something that would be useful to map and model creators, so does anyone already know an answer, or know how to get one? And if a standard conversion doesn't exist, due to inconsistent scales in the game, I feel like one should be established for future reference. P.S. A former frequent of JK3Files, this is my first post on this site. Hello everyone!
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